The easiest way to take and embed snapshot of a site on Wordpress blog.
Última actualización
May 24, 2013
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Take a snapshot of a website and embed it on your blog post on the fly. No need any screen capture tools, no need any coding. Just insert the shortcode, and snapshot will be embed automatically on your post.

Here is an example: [snap url= alt="This snapshot has taken by Snap A Site"]

For more details reffer to the User Manual part of the readme.txt file or find Snap A Site user manual

Still searcing for something? Just drop a message @ My Blog

User Manual

It’s easy. Just insert this shortcode in your post: [snap url=]

Supported parameters for [snap]

  • url – URL of the site to take snapshot
  • alt – For image alt
  • h – For imahe height
  • w – For image width
  • alt – For image alt
  • h – For imahe height
  • w – For image width
  • title -For link title
  • target – For link target
  • rel – For link rel
  • link – For linking to other site

Have further question? Let me know. Just drop a message @ My Blog

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