Use Canada Post shipping with WooCommerce. Provides some of the premium features from other similar plugins for free.
Última actualización
January 2, 2019
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Shipping Canada Post WooCommerce

This is a free WooCommerce plugin which gives very accurate shipping rate estimates for shipping with Canada Post.

Uses a volumetric packing algorithm to figure out how to pack the products in the shopping cart into user-defined boxes and envelopes, then it queries the Canada Post API to get real-time rate estimates and adds things together along with some user-defined configurations, to adjust the final shipping price charged to the customer.

Supports affordable letter mail stamp-based mailing for small and light items.

Supports individual items having flat rates.

You can mark up the shipping rates by a percentage and a fixed amount.

You can set a handling fee.

You can specify that certain items should stack together, saving space in the box and leading to much more accurate estimates.

It shows the customer the estimated number of days it will take for the item to ship, and you can add extra handling time that will increase the estimates if needed.

Gives a more accurate estimate than any other free WooCommerce Canada Post shipping plugin we could find.

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