
RSS Featured Image

Add the featured image into your RSS feed (in the media:content). Works nicely with Mailchimp (|RSSITEM:IMAGE|). Light and simple, no options, no clut …
Última actualización
October 12, 2023
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RSS Featured Image

RSS Featured Image adds the featured image into your RSS feed (in the media:content). It works nicely with Mailchimp (|RSSITEM:IMAGE|). In fact, it basically does the same thing as another (and more famous) plugin but without cluttering your WordPress Admin. This is a simple task, and I believe it should be invisible and run peacefuly in the background, with no impact on the UI and the overall WordPress performance.


By default, the size of the image is «large». I think it would be a shame to add new options to your WordPress admin only for this, so if you want to change the size, I propose you a filter 🙂 You can include some code in your functions.php to take care of this. This is how you can use it:

function thumbnail_size_for_rss( $default ) { return ‘thumbnail’; } add_filter( ‘rfi_rss_image_size’, ‘thumbnail_size_for_rss’, 10, 1 );

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