
Real User Monitoring by RapidSpike

Live performance data via Real User Monitoring. Track real user experience - traffic volume and page load speed - by country, browser and device.
Última actualización
May 27, 2017
Real User Monitoring by RapidSpike

Ever wondered how your site performs from a user’s perspective? Well look no further – this simple RapidSpike plugin helps you record live performance data from real users. It can even be used to track dynamic pages like an «Order Confirmation» page. Just add this snippet to your individual pages or via your template header and RapidSpike’s lightweight script will begin receiving performance data as soon as visitors arrive on your website!

Effortless Set Up!

Simply add your tracking code and sit back as live performance statistics in real time will be collected through your RapidSpike account.

Automatic Alerts

You can set up automatic alerts to flag when things slow down or when key pages are not being served by your WordPress site. This is great for monitoring dynamic confirmation pages, landing pages and other critical parts of your site.

Please note that you need a RapidSpike account for this plugin. If you don’t have one, grab one at – it’s super-easy!

Probado hasta
Te puedes descargar este plugin para utilizarlo en tu instalación autoalojada de WordPress.