
Protect Ai Login

Change default login site to a custom URL, block spam, bot registration, and brute-force using Google reCAPTCHA.
Última actualización
April 14, 2016
Instalaciones activas

Protect Ai Login changes default WordPress login URL to the url you define, denied brute force attacks, spam logins, and bot or automatic register. The plugin blocks access to default login url, generates a custom branded login panel, without creating a custom page on your website.

The plugin offers protection with Google reCAPTCHA v2.

Plugin Features

  • Define new login url easily from settings page.
  • Protect against spam login, bot registration or signup, with the integration of Google reCaptcha.
  • Secure AXS is compatible with any permalink setup including the default.
  • Choose to allow users with the role «Editor» to access plugin settings.
  • Fully branded login page with colors and login logo of your choice.
  • Plugin doesn’t create new pages on your website for displaying the new login panel.
  • Plugin is compatible with other major security & cache plugins.
  • Test with wordpress 4.4.2
Instalaciones activas
Te puedes descargar este plugin para utilizarlo en tu instalación autoalojada de WordPress.