Creates a custom post type “Presentation”, which will render as a presentation on the front end using Reveal.js.
Última actualización
May 31, 2024
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Presentation Block

This plugin requires WordPress version 5.3 or higher! It works best if you also have the Gutenberg plugin installed and up-to-date. Report issues, or collaborate, on Github.

  • Creates a custom post type «Presentation», which will render as a presentation on the front end using Reveal.js.
  • Enables the block editor with a «Presentation Block» block, which can be used as a container for each slide in the presentation.
  • You can add background colors, gradients, images, even iframes for the whole presentation, but also per slide.
  • You can select a font, color, and size.
  • If that’s not enough, you can always add some custom CSS!
  • You can import a custom font by adding @import url(''); above any other rules in the CSS input field.
  • It’s possible to include some notes with every slide.
  • You can enter a speaker view which will show the current slide, next slide, notes and timers.
  • A lot more options coming soon!
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