
Premium SEO Pack – WP SEO Plugin

Premium SEO Pack is a Wordpress SEO Plugin and helps you increase the SEO value for all your pages, decide how you want them to look like on search en …
Última actualización
May 27, 2024
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Premium SEO Pack – WP SEO Plugin

Premium SEO Pack is a WordPress SEO Plugin and helps you increase the SEO value for all your pages, decide how you want them to look like on search engine results, and let’s not forget about social media.

We all like being in control, especially when it comes to our website.

Now, Premium SEO Pack gives you the control you’ve wanted all along. You can now increase the WordPress SEO value for all your pages, decide how you want them to look like on search engine results, and let’s not forget about social media.

The plugin is FREE and has all the main Onpage SEO options.

Please translate it in your language: Translate Premium SEO Pack


  • SEO Patterns for each Post Type and Custom Post Types
  • Title, Description, Keywords, Canonical Metas
  • Open Graph Image, Title, Description, Type
  • Twitter Card Image, Title, Description
  • Noindex and Nofollow options for each post type
  • You can customize each page directly from post preview top bar or from admin top bar
  • Works well with Woocommerce and other e-commerce plugins
  • Works with Worpdress Multisite

For more SEO features we recommend: Squirrly SEO Plugin

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