Post Types Unlimited es una forma fácil para añadir tipos de contenido personalizado y taxonomías personalizadas a tu sitio WordPress (la forma correcta).
Última actualización
August 30, 2023
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Post Types Unlimited

Post Types Unlimited is an easy way to add custom post types and custom taxonomies to your WordPress site (the right way). The plugin works with any theme and is easily translatable. With Post Types Unlimited you can:

  • Crear tipos de contenido personalizados.
  • Crear taxonomías personalizadas.

Post Types Unlimited makes use of core WordPress functionality for the admin screens and post type, taxonomy registration. This means the plugin is fast, slim and uses the familiar WordPress UI.

Additionally you won’t find any upsell or advertisements in the plugin because there isn’t a «Pro» version. It’s the perfect plugin for adding post types and/or taxonomies to any site (including your client sites) without worrying about extra bloat or annoying ads.

The design of your post types and taxonomies created with the Post Types Unlimited plugin are controlled by your theme. The plugin doesn’t do any hacking or advanced modifications to your templates and thus works great with ANY theme.

If you are using our amazing Total WordPress Theme you will have access to many extra settings that will give you full control over the display of your post types and taxonomies. If you are a theme or plugin developer you can do the same by hooking into the «ptu/posttypes/meta_box_tabs» and «ptu/taxonomies/meta_box_tabs» filters to register your own settings to the add/edit post type and taxonomy screens.

This plugin does not currently allow you to add custom fields but it works great with the free ACF Plugin.

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Te puedes descargar este plugin para utilizarlo en tu instalación autoalojada de WordPress.