
Fonts Plugin | Use Google Fonts, Adobe Fonts or Upload Fonts

The easiest to customize fonts in WordPress. Optimized for Speed. 1000+ font choices. Supports Google Fonts, Adobe Fonts and Upload Fonts.
Última actualización
June 14, 2024
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Fonts Plugin | Use Google Fonts, Adobe Fonts or Upload Fonts

The Google Fonts library currently contains 1455 unique fonts. This plugin allows you to easily use any of them on your WordPress website.

You’re not stuck with one font for the entire website, you can easily choose one font for headings and another for your content.

It’s hard to know which font will look good on your website, that’s why we’ve included a live preview feature. That means you can test each font and see a live preview of how it will look with your content instantly.

Once you’ve found a combination you love, you can press save and make the changes publicly visible.

The full Google Fonts library can be found here – Google Fonts

Características del plugin

  • Live Customizer Preview: Choose and preview fonts in real time using the WordPress Customizer.
  • Over 1000+ Google Fonts to choose from.
  • Integración de Adobe Fonts (Typekit).
  • Works with any WordPress Theme. No coding required.
  • Easy One-Click Updates.
  • Compatible con WooCommerce.
  • Translation Ready.
  • SSL and HTTPS compatible.
  • Efficient Font Loading using a single request.
  • SEO-Friendly (Search Engine Optimization).
  • Tested with PHP7 and PHP8.
  • Selective Font Loading.
  • Sugerencias sobre recursos de preconexión.
  • Aloja Google Fonts localmente.
  • Sube fuentes personalizadas.
  • Font Size, Weight, Color and Line Height Typography Settings.

Note: some features are Premium. Which means you need to upgrade to unlock those features. You can upgrade here: Fonts Plugin Pro

Comparación de funciones gratuitas y profesionales.

Plugin Compatibility

Fonts Plugin funcionará con todos los temas de WordPress y se ha probado específicamente con los siguientes:

  • Todos los temas de StudioPress y Genesis
  • Twenty Seventeen
  • Twenty Nineteen
  • Twenty Twenty
  • ThemeGrill
  • LyraThemes
  • ThemeIsle

Further Reading

Para más información sobre Fonts Plugin, consulta lo siguiente:


Si encuentras un problema con Fonts Plugin, ¡háznoslo saber aquí!

Fonts Plugin Gutenberg Block

Add some flair to your content with our new Gutenberg block.

  • Más de 1000 Google Fonts disponibles en el editor.
  • Font size, variant and line-height settings.
  • Text-align: left, right or center.
  • Compatibilidad con Adobe Fonts (Typekit).


Cualquiera es bienvenido a contribuir a Fonts Plugin.

There are various ways you can contribute:

  1. Raise an Issue
  2. Translate the Fonts Plugin into different languages
  3. Aporta comentarios y sugerencias sobre mejoras
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Te puedes descargar este plugin para utilizarlo en tu instalación autoalojada de WordPress.