The Okay Toolkit extends the functionality of Okay Themes. It provides a portfolio custom post type, slider gallery support and social media widgets.
Última actualización
January 15, 2014
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Okay Toolkit

Okay Portfolio Items

If your theme supports portfolio items, the Toolkit adds a Portfolio custom post type. Once enabled, you will see a Portfolio Items menu item, which you can use to create your portfolio.

Okay Custom Image Galleries

If your theme supports custom galleries, the Toolkit adds custom image gallery support. Once enabled, you can create custom, editable and rearrangable image galleries using the new 3.5 Media Manager.

Okay Widgets

The Toolkit adds Twitter, Flickr, Dribbble and Retina social media icons to your theme.

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Te puedes descargar este plugin para utilizarlo en tu instalación autoalojada de WordPress.