
Floating Notification Bar, Sticky Menu on Scroll, Announcement Banner, and Sticky Header for Any Theme – My Sticky Bar (formerly myStickymenu)

🔔 Create a welcome notification bar for your website. Also, My Sticky Bar plugin can make your menu or header sticky to the top when scrolled 📌
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June 20, 2024
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Floating Notification Bar, Sticky Menu on Scroll, Announcement Banner, and Sticky Header for Any Theme – My Sticky Bar (formerly myStickymenu)

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Use My Sticky Bar to create a beautiful notification bar for your website. You can also use this notification bar & sticky menu plugin to make your menu or header sticky on top of page, after desired number of pixels when scrolled. You can use it also to create a Welcome bar for announcements, promotion and more. This lightweight plugin will help your visitors navigate easily and reach to the navigation menu without wasting time. Install My Sticky Bar and improve your website’s user experience! If you want to change the CSS style, disable on scroll down or disable on specific pages. check out the Pro version.

By default, My Sticky Bar should make your menu sticky without any adjustments on your end – which means your menu should become sticky right out of the box. Sticky menu is designed to use element class «.navbar» as «Sticky Class». That value should be modified in plugin settings for different themes to make it work. Sticky Class is actually nothing more than an element class (or id) of the element that should become sticky.

📢 Barra de bienvenida: Usa esta potente característica para crear una bonita barra fija de avisos flotantes. No se necesitan habilidades de programación, solo actívala, configura tu texto y el botón del anuncio y listo – ¡tu barra de notificación superior está lista!


  • Improve user experience by letting your visitors access the navigation menu and navigate to the pages they want when they want to.
  • Make your website look more modern with the sticky menu on desktop and mobile.
  • Aumenta el número de visitas a la página y el tiempo de los visitantes en tu web
  • Create your own floating Welcome Bar and let your visitors know about your latest deals, announcements, or any other important information
  • The My Sticky Bar dashboard makes it easy for you to manage your top bars and sticky menus in one place!

La función de cabecera fija es traducible (compatible con varios idiomas) y adaptable (si tu tema también lo es). También existe la posibilidad de añadir código css personalizado que hace este plugin sea muy flexible, personalizable y fácil de usar. También puedes usar la barra de aviso en cualquier idioma.

My Sticky Bar plugin is originally designed for Twenty Thirteen template but should work on any theme, like OceanWP, Nirvana Template, Travelify, Twenty Sixteen, Twenty Ten, Twenty Eleven, Max Magazine, Graduate, Lawyer theme, Spacious, Suits, and more.

My Sticky Bar is tested and compatible with Elementor website builder, Divi, WPBakery, Gutenberg, Visual composer, Beaver, and other WordPress website builders.


  • Display your floating bar at the top position
  • When the user clicks on the welcome bar button you can close the bar, redirect to another URL, or launch a Poptin pop up
  • New! Contact Form 📝 – Include a contact form in your notification bar to collect either name and email or name and phone number. This feature can improve lead generation on your website. You’ll be able to gather your users’ details using a contact form and reach them directly.
  • Change the background and button colors for your hello bar
  • Cambia la frecuencia de visualización después del envío – muestra la barra de anuncios en cada página, una vez por visita, o no muestres la barra de anuncios después de enviarla
  • Añade un efecto de atención a tu botón y aumenta la conversión y el CTR
  • ¡Nuevo! Añade cualquier HTML personalizado a tu barra de avisos, incluyendo negrita, subrayado, cursiva y mucho más. Usa HTML personalizado para crear una bonita barra de avisos
  • Change font size and font family
  • Set your own text and call-to-action button text
  • Show the closing X on desktop/mobile
  • Mostrar el botón de llamada a la acción en tu barra superior de avisos en escritorio/móvil
  • Redirigir a tus visitantes a otra URL al hacer clic


  • Show sticky header on scroll down/up
  • Fade or slide effect
  • Disable at a small screen
  • Choose when to make visible on scroll
  • Cambia el color de la fuente cuando el menú es fijo
  • Change the background color
  • Change the opacity
  • Change the sticky transition time
  • Define the z-index of the sticky header
  • Set an entrance effect for your sticky menu
  • Write your notification bar announcements in different languages – we support both LTR and RTL formats
  • New and improved dashboard – The new My Sticky Bar dashboard will help you manage your notification bars, top bars, and sticky menus better.
  • New! Disable the sticky menu – You now have the option to disable sticky menu features if you want to use only top bars or welcome bars
  • Many of our users use the welcome bar to announce about their Coronavirus COVID-19 updates. You can use the notification bar as a Corona Virus – COVID-19 banner to make sure your visitors are up-to-date.

👌 Características de la barra de bienvenida Pro.

  • Multi Welcome Bar – Create a separate notification bar for different pages based on page targeting rules (E.g. separate notification bar for different languages, different product categories, and much more)
  • New! Countdown timer ⏳ – Add a countdown timer in your notification bar for that much-needed sense of urgency. This new countdown timer notifications bar feature can really increase your conversion rate because it creates a sense of scarcity and urgency on your promotions.
  • New! Sliding texts – Display multiple lines of content in your notification bar that can scroll automatically in your desired direction. You can use it to promote different products, as a news ticker, or any other changing content in your notification bar* New! Send contact form leads via email – you can get email notifications when a visitor fills our your notification bar contact form
  • New! Add a discount coupon element 🎫 – This feature lets you add a discount code coupon to your notification bar. Reduce cart abandonment and improve sales by offering your users a coupon discount code when they need it
  • New! Country targeting – Show or hide your notification bar for specific countries. Create unique notification bars for different countries and tailor your messaging to specific audiences
  • Muestra tu barra flotante en la posición inferior
  • Cambia la altura de la barra fija de avisos
  • Abrir un enlace de redireccionamiento en una nueva pestaña.
  • Muestra tu barra de avisos solamente en móviles o en ordenadores de escritorio
  • Muestra tu barra de avisos al hacer scroll o después de unos segundos
  • Set an expiry date for your welcome bar, including settings a timezone
  • Muestra la barra flotante de avisos en páginas específicas
  • Puedes establecer una pantalla de agradecimiento que aparece después de hacer clic en el botón (puede usarse para cupones o cualquier otro mensaje que quieras mostrar a tus visitantes después de que hagan clic en el botón)
  • Add a rel Attribute to your notification bar button

Pero espera, hay más 😉


  • Disable floating menu on Desktop/Mobile
  • Disable floating menu on scroll down
  • Add CSS style to the floating header
  • Desactivar/activar la cabecera flotante en páginas específicas

>>> See Pro plans here 🚀

Live Demo

A live demo for My Sticky Bar plugin and notification bar is available at Premio’s demo site.

🗓️ Countdown

Do you have a limited-period offer? Want to create a sense of urgency to boost leads in your notification bar? Add a countdown to your notification bar. A highly customizable feature that can be paired with your website’s theme and colors.

Apart from setting a global date and time-based countdown, you can also start an individual countdown for every unique visitor from when they arrive on your website.


No almacenamos ningún dato local sobre tus visitantes. Cada vez que tu menú o barra de aviso aparece en tu sitio, el plugin no almacenará ningún dato local sobre esto. Consejo Pro: Puedes usar la barra de avisos del plugin para permitir que los visitantes de tu web sepan acerca de tu política de cookies 🙂

📧 Grow your email list using the notification bar contact form

Collect valuable visitor information from your website, by giving them access to a contact from any time anywhere. The notification bar contact form helps you get leads into your local database. Use these leads to create highly effective marketing campaigns and to contact your website visitors. Using the contact form in combination with features like a countdown, coupons, etc gives you a powerful way to convince users to share their lead information with you.

When a visitor fills in their details (email, phone, name etc) on the welcome bar, if you’re using the Pro version you can get the lead sent to your email.

This helps you get notified as soon as a visitor shows interest in your website. It is an extremely useful tool in your arsenal to convert leads quickly as soon as they enquire about your services or products.

🏷️ Show and Copy Coupons & Discounts Codes

Get your visitors to use your coupons in the least amount of time and clicks without hassle! Your visitors can simply copy the coupon or discount code from the welcome bar with just one click. This feature also displays a message to the user that the coupon has been copied to their clipboard, making their journey on your website extremely pleasant.

🎯 Page targeting and triggers

With the Pro version, choose to show or not show the widget on specific pages using various targeting rules. With our smart rules, you don’t have to spend hours defining all the pages for targeting; simply define what a page URL should contain and cover targeting for all relevant pages. A very powerful feature that helps you personalize your website’s experience for different types of visitors.

Use triggers to set events at which your widget pops out. Do you think your visitor might be potential lead if they scroll through 75% of your website? Show them a coupon from the welcome bar by triggering it.

🔝 Sticky Menu

Easily adds a sticky menu/header to any theme using My Sticky Bar. Make your website look modern and increase accessibility by adding a menu that sticks even when the user scrolls.

🤗 Testimonials

«Works great. One of the key elements that I consider when choosing a theme is the sticky menu option. If the theme doesn’t have it normally I don’t use it. But now that’s not a problem for me anymore.»

«This plugin rocks! This plugin does exactly what it should. It is simple but powerful. I would suggest to anyone who wants to make their navigation menu sticky! I especially love the hide header on scroll down, show on scroll up feature that is built it. Great work!

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Te puedes descargar este plugin para utilizarlo en tu instalación autoalojada de WordPress.