Monetize Me plugin will help webmaster to manage monetize scripts and display using shortcodes and widgets.
Última actualización
December 3, 2019
Monetize Me

Monetize Me plugin will help webmaster to manage monetize scripts. The plugin also offers shortcode ([mmps]) and widget (Show Advertisment) to enable webmaster display the advertisment in website.

Pleas use «Advertisements Sponsor», «Advertisements Width», and «Advertisements Height» taxonomies to categories you monetize scripts. Then use this information in the shortcode to display your required monetize scripts.

The shortcode [mmps] offers the following attributes to manage your scripts:

1. id: comes from the slug of the script post. with this 'id' attribute all other attribute will not work. because with this 'id' attribute you are telling an specific ad that you have created. 2. width: comes from the "Advertisements Width" taxonomy. Width of the advertisment need to be mention in the 'width' attribute. default value for 'width' attribute is 'responsive'. 3. height: comes from the "Advertisements Height" taxonomy. Height of the advertisment need to be mention in the 'width' attribute. default value for 'height' attribute is 'responsive'. 4. class: left, right, and center are allowed values for the 'class' attribute to mention the alignment of the advertisment. default value is 'left'. 5. stype: comes from the "Advertisements Sponsor" taxonomy. stype need a slug of a sponsor. default is 'adsense' 6. type: comes from the "Ad Type" field of "General Setting" box. mix, link, text, img, feed, and article are allowed values for the 'type' attribute. 7. limit: how many ads to be serve matching required attribute. any mumber are allowed but 0. 8. wrapper: default value is 1 to wrap your advertisemet script in a div. use 0 to not use any html div wrapper.

Hope the screenshots shows few good way – how to create monetization post and use those anywhere in the site using shortcode or widgets.

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Te puedes descargar este plugin para utilizarlo en tu instalación autoalojada de WordPress.