
Member status API for MemberPress

This plugin extends the WordPress REST API with MemberPress membership and product data within the current user context.
Última actualización
May 9, 2024

This plugin allows the MemberPress membership status of the current authenticated user to be exposed via the WordPress REST API:

GET /wp-json/mp-member-status/v1/me

Example response:

{ "user_id": 2, "full_name": "John Doe", "is_active": true, "enabled_products": [ { "id": 10, "title": "Premium Membership", "name": "premium-membership", "url": "", } ] }

Additionally, MemberPress access information is added to all post endpoints, the post content or access itself is not modified by this plugin:

Example post response excerpt:

memberpress: { "is_locked": true, "products": [ { "id": 10, "title": "Premium Membership", "name": "premium-membership", "url": "", "can_you_buy_me": true, "is_subscribed": false } ] },


  • Creates a REST API endpoint to fetch the MemberPress membership status of the current user.
  • Allows to list the active products for the current user.
  • Adds the Memberpress «is_locked» status field to all available post types in the REST API
  • Adds a list of possible Memberpress Products required to unlock posts.
  • Support for WordPress Recipe Maker’s and MemberPress rules set for the parent Post.
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