JustRows is a Wordpress plugin that allows to display a gallery of featured images in a grid similar to Google Images.
Última actualización
May 21, 2015
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JustRows free

JustRows takes the featured images of posts from a given post type, and shows them as a responsive image grid. The generated galleries may be customized using one of many user-created configurations.

  • images are placed in order (by date or other fields)
  • all images are resized via javascript so that each row is composed of thumbnails of the same height, also all rows except the last one are justified
  • new images can be appended, either with a button or infinite scrolling (depending on the settings)
  • users can define multiple configurations
  • users can place a gallery through a widget or a shortcode

Create a configuration

  1. In the «JustRows» menu on the left, click «Create configuration».
  2. The «Add new configuration» panel will open.
  3. Give the configuration a name and change the options as you see fit, then hit the «Save» button at the bottom.

Show the gallery

Place the JustRows widget somewhere in your template, or use the shortcode [justrows slug=»default»] (where «default» is the slug of your configuration).

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Te puedes descargar este plugin para utilizarlo en tu instalación autoalojada de WordPress.