The Shortcode [jump_link] directs visitors to a Jump-Page where you can put adds and so on before the visitors will be directed to the requested page.
Última actualización
May 7, 2010
Instalaciones activas

Changelog – English:

Version 1.4.5

* important Bugfix: One Checkbox was still displaying the wrong setting.

Version 1.4

* Bugfixes * GB-Newsbox-Update [1.5.5]

Version 1.0

* Bugfixes * GB-Newsbox-Update [1.5]

Version 0.9.5

* Introducing the GB-Newsbox

Version 0.9

* install .mo-files for localication

Version 0.1

* set up some basics of the plugin

Changelog – German:

Version 1.4.5

* wichtiger Bugfix: Eine Checkbox hat immer noch die falsche Einstellung angezeigt

Version 1.4

* Bugfixes * GB-Newsbox-Update [1.5.5]

Version 1.0

* Bugfixes * GB-Newsbox-Update [1.5]

Version 0.9

* Sprachdateien erstellt und eingebaut

Version 0.1

* Basisfunktionen des Plugins ausarbeiten
Instalaciones activas
Te puedes descargar este plugin para utilizarlo en tu instalación autoalojada de WordPress.