Have you considered turning your blogs into a source of income? In fewer than 30 seconds, Jamatto lets you accept small payments from your readers.
Última actualización
November 13, 2017
Instalaciones activas
Jamatto Micropayments

Have you ever considered turning your blogging into a source of income? In fewer than 30 seconds, Jamatto lets you accept small payments from your readers – either through simple donation buttons or by placing your premium articles or even just your premium paragraphs behind enticing one-click paywalls. Used by thousands of bloggers around the world.

You can literally be up and running accepting micropayments on your blog in under 30 seconds. Yes – that’s less than 30 seconds!

Check out the Screenshots Tab to see how the plugin adds to your blog.

The Screenshots Tab also shows you how to use the [jamatto-donate] and [jamatto-premium] shortcodes. It’s really that simple.

Instalaciones activas
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Te puedes descargar este plugin para utilizarlo en tu instalación autoalojada de WordPress.