The plugin allows you to embed speed test for your website via a shortcode. See live demo here.
Última actualización
March 7, 2021
Instalaciones activas
Internet Speed Test

El plugin te permite incrustar una prueba de velocidad para tu web a través de un shortcode.

Mira una demostración en vivo aquí.


  • Measure download, upload, ping and jitter.
  • Autodetects users language preference (or you can choose one)
  • Modern, responsive, full HTTPS support
  • Available in 12 languages: Czech (cs), Deutsch (de), English (en), French (fr), Hungarian (hu), Italin (it), Japanese (ja), Polish (pl), Portuguese (pt), Rusian (ru), Slovak (sk), Spanish (es).

The project has been measuring Internet access around the world since 2014 (on former domain since 2005, and main Czech version since year 2004). Our users carry out tens of thousands of tests every day.

Cómo hacerlo

Place [internet-speed-test] shortcode whenever you want to display the speed test. You can use following parameters to modify the look:

  • layout – dark (default), light
  • language – auto (automatic detection based on browser, default), wordpress (based on wordpress locale), manually asign a language (cs, de, en, es, fr, hu, it, ja, pl, pt, ru, sk)
  • default-language – manually assign a fallback language for languages based on wordpress locale if the locale language is not supported, otherwise automatic detection will be undreleased

Ejemplos de uso

  • Dark theme, automatic detection [internet-speed-test]
  • Light theme with wordpress based language [internet-speed-test layout="light" language="wordpress"]
  • Dark theme with wordpress based language with fallback to Spanish [internet-speed-test language="wordpress" default-language="es"]
Instalaciones activas
Probado hasta
Te puedes descargar este plugin para utilizarlo en tu instalación autoalojada de WordPress.