
Infusionsoft Web Form JavaScript

Easily add Infusionsoft web forms to your posts and pages. Automatically converts JavaScript to WordPress-friendly shortcodes.
Última actualización
December 18, 2014
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Infusionsoft Web Form JavaScript

We make it easy to add Infusionsoft web forms to your blog. You simply copy and paste the web form JavaScript into your post or page, and this plugin will automatically convert it to a WordPress shortcode that won’t be mangled by WordPress.

By default, the plugin lets you use the shortcode javascript. Unlike other plugins, we let you change this shortcode to anything you like, such as webform or infusionsoft.

You can even add custom CSS to your web form. Simply add a CSS attribute to the shortcode, for example:

[javascript css="float: left;" src=""/]

Want to do even more with Infusionsoft? Novak Solutions has expert developers and ready-to-go tools to make your life easier. Visit Novak Solutions now!

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Te puedes descargar este plugin para utilizarlo en tu instalación autoalojada de WordPress.