
Image Map Block – Gutenberg block to create image map with hyperlink

A Gutenberg block to embed images with a few advanced options such as zoom, pin, magnify, map and Pano.
Última actualización
June 29, 2024
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Image Map Block – Gutenberg block to create image map with hyperlink

Image Viewer is a versatile WordPress plugin that provides an intuitive and user-friendly interface for viewing images. With various customization options and features, including zooming, panning, and fullscreen mode, it offers a seamless and immersive image viewing experience for your website visitors

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  • Four types of image view: Map, Zoom, Magnify, and Rotation.
  • Map Options: You can add numerous map items. Each item’s link, title, width, height, top, and left can be specified. You can set the link target to _blank, _self, _parent, and _top. Individual maps are draggable and droppable.
  • Zoom Options: Enable/disable Pan, Zoom, X Axis, And Y Axis; Set Start Scale and Step.
  • Magnify Options: Adjust Speed and Timeout.
  • Rotation Options: Set Width and Height, Enable/disable auto rotation, Adjust auto rotate speed, Hide controls.

How to use

  • First install the Image viewer plugin.
  • Add the Image viewer block from the block category called «Widgets» in Gutenberg editor.
  • You can change block settings from the right-side settings sidebar.
  • Enjoy!

  • For installation help click on Installation Tab


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