
FrontKit for WordPress

FrontKit for WordPress.
Última actualización
May 11, 2016
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FrontKit for WordPress

WP FrontKit is a front end editor that enhances the WordPress publishing experience by providing users access a new intuitive editor directly from the front end of their web site. The streamlined interface allows for a distraction free editing experience that integrates an array of tools that are available from the dashboard, including access to the media library and image formatting.


  • Ability to create new posts and update existing posts from the front end.
  • Easily style your content with the following:

    • Heading styles
    • Block quotes
    • Bold & Italic
    • List style
    • Linked text
  • Easily Add Media to your post from either the WordPress media library or by uploading images directly from your device

  • Enhance images by adding captions, or adding a link the image

The plugin utilizes the WordPress REST API, and therefore requires the REST API plugin.

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Te puedes descargar este plugin para utilizarlo en tu instalación autoalojada de WordPress.