
Flagged Content

Allows visitors to flag posts and pages.
Última actualización
October 27, 2021
Instalaciones activas
Flagged Content

Allow visitors to report posts and pages if there is an issue or to provide feedback. A flagging button is automatically injected within the post and page content. Clicking to flag a post or page will present the visitor with a popup modal (lightbox) form. You can determine what information the user must provide in order to submit the flag.

Form must be completed to submit flag

Require a form must be completed before the visitor can flag a post or page. Customize the buttons, messages and fields within the form to match your site. Visitors will use this form to flag posts and pages.


  • Display fields within the form (or do not display them) and make them optional or required.
  • Customize a reason users must select in order to submit a flag.
  • All flags are organized within the «flags page».
  • The post or page flagged is displayed next to the flag and can be easily viewed or edited.
  • Enable emails to be sent when a post or page has been flagged.

Pro Version

The pro version of the plugin offers many additional features. * A wide variety of content can be flagged including WordPress comments, custom post types, bbPress topics and replies, WooCommerce products and more. * Different forms can be used for different types of content, e.g. require a description to flag comments, but make a description optional to flag products. * Different buttons and labels can be used for different content. * And more

Please visit the pro plugin page to upgrade or see the benefits for upgrading.

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Probado hasta
Te puedes descargar este plugin para utilizarlo en tu instalación autoalojada de WordPress.