
Featured Products Vertical Scroller

Use widgets or shortcodes to display WooCommerce featured products in a vertical carousel scroller.
Última actualización
December 7, 2017
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Featured Products Vertical Scroller

You can integrate the Vertical Featured Products Scroller into your site by using a widget or a shortcode.

To mark a product as featured, go to: Products > Products and select the Star in the featured column. Alternatively, select Quick Edit and then the Featured option.

The shortcode is:


Available shortcode options are:

  • id (unique ids are required if you want to use more than one scroller on the same page)
  • num_slides (the number of visible products)
  • speed (scroller speed in miliseconds, default is 5000)
  • category_slug (limits products by category slug)

Example usage:

[wcfps id=»scroller-one» num_slides=»3″ speed=»6000″ category_slug=»shoes»]

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Te puedes descargar este plugin para utilizarlo en tu instalación autoalojada de WordPress.