
Estimated Shipping Duration for WooCommerce

A WooCommerce plugin that enables shop owners to specify an estimated shipping duration for products.
Última actualización
March 11, 2024
Estimated Shipping Duration for WooCommerce

With «Estimated Shipping Duration for WooCommerce,» shop owners can set individual shipping durations for their products. This provides customers with a clear overview of when they can expect their order.

Main Features:

  • Set an estimated shipping duration for each product.
  • Display the estimated shipping duration on the product page.
  • Show the estimated shipping duration in the shopping cart.
  • Support for product variations.

Additional Notes

We are constantly striving to improve «Estimated Shipping Duration for WooCommerce» and provide you with the best possible features. If you have ideas for features you would like to see in future versions, or if you have specific needs or issues with the plugin, we would love to hear from you!

Please share your suggestions, feedback, and ideas with us: – Email:

Your opinion is important to us, and your ideas may be considered in future updates or even in a premium version of the plugin.


This plugin is available in the following languages: – German (Austria) – de_AT – German (Switzerland) – de_CH – German (Germany) – de_DE – German (Formal Germany) – de_DE_formal – English (United States) – en_US

Probado hasta
Te puedes descargar este plugin para utilizarlo en tu instalación autoalojada de WordPress.