Completely remove "attachment" pages for WordPress media. Improve SEO and prevent conflicts between page and image permalinks.
Última actualización
April 4, 2024
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Completely disable «attachment» pages created by WordPress.

By default, WordPress creates a page for each of your attachments. This is can be undesirable because of two reasons:

Search engine optimization

Attachment pages don’t have any content, except an image, so they provide little value and can negatively affect your SEO because they are so-called thin content. Even worse, attachment pages may in some cases rank higher than your actual content pages which leads to a poor user experience.

Reserved slugs

Accidentalmente, las páginas de adjuntos pueden reservar slugs en tu sitio. Digamos que subes una imagen llamada contacto.jpeg, una página adjunta es creada automáticamente. Después, si intentas crear una página llamada «Contacto», la URL para esa página será, lo cual no es bueno.

Cómo funciona

This plugin works by automatically setting all attachment slugs to an unique id, so they won’t conflict with your pages. If an attachment page is accessed, the plugin will set a 404 status code and display the «page not found» template.

También puedes manipular cualquier slug de los medios existentes, para que no causen ningún problema en el futuro.

WP CLI support

The plugin supports WP CLI.

Mangle existing attachment slugs

wp disable-media-pages mangle

Restore attachment slugs

wp disable-media-pages restore

Note for WordPress 6.4

WordPress 6.4 includes a new feature that allows you to disable attachment pages. However, this feature redirects attachment pages to the file URL instead of returning a 404 error. To completely disable attachment pages, you should use this plugin instead. The WP 6.4 feature also does not fix the issue where attachment pages reserve slugs for pages.

Also, there is not user interface to enable or disable media pages, they are automatically disabled for new sites but remain enabled for existing sites.

Because of these issues, I recommend you to use this plugin instead of the built-in feature. The plugin will be updated in the foreseeable future, at least until attachment pages are completely removed from WordPress core and older WordPress versions are no longer in use.


Special thanks to Greg Schoppe for his research and inspiration that helped a lot with developing this plugin.

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