
Tablas de base de datos personalizadas

Usando esta herramienta de gestión de bases de datos, puedes crear libremente tu propia tabla en la base de datos MySQL y realizar entradas y salidas de datos en una operación intuitiva.
Última actualización
September 28, 2016
Instalaciones activas
Tablas de base de datos personalizadas

WordPress database is easy to use with simple, but if you want to handle the data that does not conform to the provided initial table structure, or considering the use of as the CMS, you should create a newly table as a better case.

This plugin provides the ability to be able to add a new table freely in the database (direct on MySQL) of WordPress in such a case, and can be management of data in a simple user interface. However, since the plugin version 2.x, you need to be PHP version 5.4 or more on the environment.

When you use the various shortcodes, built-in methods, and APIs that is provided a rich on this plugin, WordPress might be transformed into a powerful CMS.

Please see here for more documentation of the plugin. All official development on this plugin is on GitHub. Published version will bump here on You can find the repository at

Detailed documentation has published at the site of author. If you are free, Please try to qv.

(Sorry, for about documentation will be only the Japanese version currently.)

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Te puedes descargar este plugin para utilizarlo en tu instalación autoalojada de WordPress.