
Cookies and Content Security Policy

Cumple totalmente con el RGPD y la CCPA a través de la política de seguridad de contenidos.
Última actualización
May 6, 2024
Instalaciones activas
Cookies and Content Security Policy

Cumple totalmente con el RGPD y la CCPA a través de la política de seguridad de contenidos.

Block cookies and unwanted external content by setting Content Security Policy. A modal will be shown on the front end to let the visitor choose what kind of resources to accept. It also adds a layer of security for your site since iframes, scripts and images from unknown domains are blocked.

Multilingual support through WPML, Polylang or probably any multilingual plugin out there since this plugin follows WordPress Coding Standards. See FAQ below on how to translate with WPML or Polylang.

Quickstart: Choose common resources from a list that are automatically added to your Domains list. So, it’s even easier to set it up! Check, check, check and check! Updated regularly.

Free stickers for translators!

Since we want this plugin to be available in as many languages as possible, I will send you a handful of the new super cool stickers if you translate the plugin! Just translate the plugin to your language, and when it is approved, comment this post and I’ll send it to you, totally free! If you have already translated the plugin and want stickers, of course that counts too! Just comment the post.

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Te puedes descargar este plugin para utilizarlo en tu instalación autoalojada de WordPress.