
Child Theme Configurator

When using the Customizer is not enough - Create a child theme from your installed themes and customize styles, templates, functions and more.
Última actualización
March 23, 2024
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Child Theme Configurator

Child Theme Configurator es una herramienta rápida y fácil de usar que te permite analizar cualquier tema para los problemas comunes, crear un tema hijo y personalizarlo más allá de las opciones del personalizador. Diseñado para los usuarios de WordPress que desean personalizar las hojas de estilos del tema hijo directamente, Child Theme Configurator te permite identificar y anular fácilmente los atributos CSS que deseas personalizar. El Analizador explora el tema renderizado y configura automáticamente tu tema hijo. Procesa correctamente el tema y la fuente de las hojas de estilos para un rendimiento óptimo y maneja la sintaxis específica del vendedor, lo que le da un control ilimitado sobre el aspecto del tema hijo dejando el tema padre intacto. Aprende más acerca de como crear un tema hijo.

Toma el control de tus temas hijos

Child Theme Configurator parses and indexes your stylesheets so that every CSS media query, selector, property and value are at your fingertips. Second, it shows you how each customization you make will look before you commit it to the child theme. Finally, it saves your work so that you can customize styles in your child themes without the risk of losing your edits.

You can create any number of child themes from your existing Parent Themes. Child Theme Configurator lets you choose from your installed themes (even existing child themes) and save the results in your Themes directory.

When you are ready, just activate the Child Theme and your WordPress site takes on the custom styles automatically.

Why create child themes and customize styles using Child Theme Configurator?

  1. Algunas cosas no se pueden cambiar usando el personalizador.

  2. A menos que uses un «tema hijo», perderás cualquier cambio que hayas hecho en las plantillas y las hojas de estilos cuando actualices.

  3. Child Theme Configurator automatically determines the correct way to set up a child theme based on the theme you are using.

  4. You can find the exact style selectors your theme uses and change properties quickly.

  5. You can locate, copy and edit theme templates from the admin.

  6. Mucho más:

    • Update themes without losing customizations
    • Smart Theme Analyzer determines correct settings to use
    • Resolve common child theme issues with almost any parent theme
    • Copy existing widgets, menus and Customizer options to child theme
    • Use web fonts in your child theme
    • Enqueue (link) stylesheets instead of using @import
    • Quickly locate and edit theme CSS.
    • Customize @media queries for responsive design
    • Select hex, RGBA (transparent) and named colors using Spectrum color picker
    • Add fallback styles (multiple values per property)
    • Save hours of development time
    • Compatible con multisitio
    • Make modifications unavailable to the Customizer
    • Exportar los temas hijo a un archivo Zip
    • Identify and override exact selectors from the parent theme
    • Change specific colors, backgrounds, font styles, etc., without changing other elements
    • Automatically generate cross-browser and vendor-prefixed properties and CSS gradients
    • Preview custom styles before committing to them
    • Uses WP Filesystem API – will not create files you cannot remove

Child Theme Configurator PRO

Apply the CSS customizing power of Child Theme Configurator to any WordPress Plugin installed on your website. Child Theme Configurator PRO scans your plugins and lets you customize their stylesheets. We’ve added more features to make customizing styles quicker and easier with PRO.

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Query/Selector Tab

There are two ways to identify and customize baseline (parent) styles. Child Theme Configurator lets you search styles by CSS selector and by property. If you wish to customize a specific CSS selector (e.g., h1), use the «Query/Selector» tab. If you have a specific CSS value you wish to customize site-wide (e.g., the color of the type), use the «Property/Value» tab.

The Query/Selector tab lets you find specific CSS selectors and edit them. First, find the query that contains the CSS selector you wish to edit by typing in the Query autoselect box. Select by clicking with the mouse or by pressing the «Enter» or «Tab» keys. CSS selectors are in the base query by default. Next, find the CSS selector by typing in the «Selector» autoselect box. Select by clicking with the mouse or by pressing the «Enter» or «Tab» keys.

This will load all of the properties for that CSS selector with the Original values on the left and the child theme values inputs on the right. Any existing child theme values will be automatically populated. There is also a Sample preview that displays the combination of Parent and Child overrides. Note that the border and background-image get special treatment.

The «Order» field contains the original sequence of the CSS selector in the parent theme stylesheet. You can change the CSS selector order sequence by entering a lower or higher number in the «Order» field. You can also force style overrides (so called «!important» flag) by checking the «!» box next to each input. Please use judiciously.

Click «Save» to update the child theme stylesheet and save your changes to the WordPress admin.

Adding Raw CSS

If you wish to add additional properties to a given CSS selector, first load the selector using the Query/Selector tab. Then find the property you wish to override by typing in the New Property autoselect box. Select by clicking with the mouse or by pressing the «Enter» or «Tab» keys. This will add a new input row to the selector inputs.

If you wish to add completely new CSS selectors, or even new @media queries, you can enter free-form CSS in the «Raw CSS» textarea. Be aware that your syntax must be correct (i.e., balanced curly braces, etc.) for the parser to load the new custom styles. You will know it is invalid because a red «X» will appear next to the save button.

If you prefer to use shorthand syntax for properties and values instead of the inputs provided by Child Theme Configurator, you can enter them here as well. The parser will convert your input into normalized CSS code automatically.

Property/Value Tab

The Property/Value tab lets you find specific values for a given property and then edit that value for individual CSS selectors that use that property/value combination. First, find the property you wish to override by typing in the Property autoselect box. Select by clicking with the mouse or by pressing the «Enter» or «Tab» keys.

This will load all of the unique values that exist for that property in the parent theme stylesheet with a Sample preview for that value. If there are values that exist in the child theme stylesheet that do not exist in the parent stylesheet, they will be displayed as well.

For each unique value, click the «Selectors» link to view a list of CSS selectors that use that property/value combination, grouped by query with a Sample preview of the value and inputs for the child theme value. Any existing child theme values will be automatically populated.

Click «Save» to update the child theme stylesheet and save your changes to the WordPress admin.

If you want to edit all of the properties for the CSS selector you can click the “Edit” link and the CSS selector will automatically load in the Query/Selector Tab.

Web Fonts Tab

You can add additional stylesheets and web fonts by typing @import rules into the textarea on the Web Fonts tab. Important: do not import the parent theme stylesheet here. Use the «Parent stylesheet handling» option from the Parent/Child tab.

Files Tab

Plantillas padres

You can copy PHP template files from the parent theme by checking the boxes. Click «Copy Selected to Child Theme» and the templates will be added to the child theme’s directory.

CAUTION: If your child theme is active, the child theme’s version of the file will be used instead of the parent immediately after it is copied. The functions.php file is generated separately and cannot be copied here.

Archivos del tema hijo

Templates copied from the parent are listed here. These can be edited using the Theme Editor in the Appearance Menu. Remove child theme images by checking the boxes and clicking «Delete Selected.»

Imágenes del tema hijo

Theme images reside under the images directory in your child theme and are meant for stylesheet use only. Use the media gallery for content images. You can upload new images using the image upload form.

Captura de pantalla del tema hijo

You can upload a custom screenshot for the child theme here. The theme screenshot should be a 4:3 ratio (eg., 880px x 660px) JPG, PNG or GIF. It will be renamed «screenshot».

Exportar los temas hijo a un archivo Zip

You can download your child theme for use on another WordPress site by clicking «Export».

Preview and Activate

IMPORTANT: Test child themes before activating!

Some themes (particularly commercial themes) do not correctly load parent template files or automatically load child theme stylesheets or php files.

In the worst cases they will break your website when you activate the child theme.

  1. Navigate to Appearance > Themes in the WordPress Admin. You will now see the new Child Theme as one of the installed Themes.
  2. Click «Live Preview» (theme customizer) below the new Child Theme to see it in action.
  3. When you are ready to take the Child Theme live, click «Activate.»

MULTISITE USERS: You must Network Enable your child theme before you can use Live Preview. Go to «Themes» in the Network Admin.


  • Arbitrary comments are not supported. Providing a high level of flexibility for previewing and modifying custom styles requires a sophisticated parsing system. Maintaining comments that are bound to any particular element in the stylesheet is prohibitively expensive compared to the value it would add. Although we are working to include this as an option in the future, currently all comments are stripped from the child theme stylesheet code.
  • No @keyframes or @font-face rules. Child Theme Configurator only supports @media and @import. If you need other @rules, put them in a separate stylesheet and import them into the Child Theme stylesheet.
  • Only two-color gradients. Child Theme Configurator is powerful, but we have simplified the gradient interface. You can use any gradient you want as long as it has two colors and no intermediate stops.
  • CSS properties are auto-discovered. Child Theme Configurator loads the properties that exist in the Parent stylesheet. You can always add new properties using the “Raw CSS” text area.
  • Legacy gradient syntax is not supported. Child Theme Configurator does not support the MS filter gradient or legacy webkit gradient. These will continue to work if they are used in the parent theme, but will not be written to the child theme stylesheet. If there is a demand, we may add it in a future release, but most users should have upgraded by now.


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Serbo-Croatian translation courtesy of Borisa Djuraskovic

Copyright: (C) 2014-2018 Lilaea Media

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