Расширьте возможности сайта с помощью плагинов

Добавьте вашему сайту новые возможности и функции с помощью тысяч плагинов.

23 plugins
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    Prevent Browser Caching
    de Kostya Tereshchuk
    Actualiza la versión de los activos de todos los archivos CSS y JS. Muestra los últimos cambios en el sitio sin pedir al cliente que borre la caché del navegador.
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    de Publitio
    Simple Image & Video Asset Management in the cloud with Publitio API.
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    Disable Version Caching - Khanakia
    de Aman Khanakia
    Updates the assets version of all CSS and JS files. Shows the latest changes on the site without asking the client to clear browser cache.
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    Custom Upload Folder
    de Motekar
    Upload files to custom directory in WordPress Media Library.
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    Assets to footer
    de Sebastian Pisula
    Moves scripts and styles to the footer.
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    Filename based asset cache busting
    de Ben Lumley | Interoke Digital
    Filename based cache busting for WordPress scripts/styles using last modified date.
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    Assets Manager
    de Jack Reichert
    Assets Manager for WordPress is a self hosted file sharing tool, enable / disable links, set expiration and make files you share password protected.
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    de Alessandro Carbone
    Use Compass, Sass, Less, Stylus, CoffeeScript (and more ...) to develop your themes and minify your stylesheets and JavaScript.
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    Dynamic Asset Versioning
    de Growella
    Dynamically set asset version numbers based on file modification times, preventing stale caches.
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    Polylang assets URLs fix
    de Kuba Mikita
    This plugin properly handles assets URLs when using different domains for each language
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    TypePad to Wordpress assets importer
    de Romain Biard
    TypePad to Wordpress helps you finish the migration of your blog / website from TypePad to Wordpress, by importing all the images included in your pos …
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    de Utopique
    Experience lightning-fast loading speeds with FlashSpeed. Our cutting-edge tool optimizes your website by removing unused assets, maximizing performan …
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    Phraseanet Wordpress Client
    de Alchemy
    This plugin creates the possibility to get and add assets from Phraseanet server into your Wordpress website.
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    Kontainer File Picker
    de Kontainer A/S
    File picker for Kontainer Dam and Pim platform
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    IntelligenceBank Connector
    de IntelligenceBank
    The IntelligenceBank Connector for WordPress.
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    Site Assets
    de Montana Banana
    Site Assets is a tool to easily share website assets on a per page basis. This is most helpful on site with multiple contributors and developers.
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    de Scott Taylor
    Automagically concatenates JS and CSS files that are output in wp_head() and wp_footer()
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    GSP Assets Manager (Easy Live Assets Editor)
    de Firas Abd Alrahman
    GSP Assets Manager will allow you to live review and control WordPress javascript files and stylesheets. Optimize google page speed rank within 5 minu …
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    de Starring Jane
    Load assets from your production environment on the fly.
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    BrandCenter Connector plugin
    de BrandWizard
    CURL extension should be enabled in your server to access your BrandCenter assets with this plugin.