להוסיף אפשרויות גמישות יותר לאתר באמצעות תוספים

להוסיף פונקציונליות ושילובים לאתר באמצעות אלפי תוספים.

443 plugins
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    InfiniteWP Client
    de Revmakx
    Install this plugin on unlimited sites and manage them all from a central dashboard. This plugin communicates with your InfiniteWP Admin Panel.
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    Desactivar la REST API
    de Dave McHale
    Desactiva el uso de la API REST a los usuarios de tu sitio web. ¡Ahora con soporte de Roles de Usuario!
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    Mailgun for WordPress
    de Mailgun
    Easily send email from your WordPress site through Mailgun using the HTTP API or SMTP.
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    WP Consent API
    de RogierLankhorst
    Simple Consent API to read and register the current consent category.
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    de Aires Gonçalves
    Exposes Advanced Custom Fields Endpoints in the WordPress REST API
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    de WPGraphQL
    WPGraphQL is a free, open-source WordPress plugin that provides an extendable GraphQL schema and API for any WordPress site.
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    Make Connector
    de Celonis s.r.o.
    Make Connector. Make te permite diseñar, construir y automatizar conectándote con WordPress con solo unos pocos clics.
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    WordPress REST API Authentication
    de miniOrange
    Secure and protect your WP REST API endpoints from unauthorized access with our WordPress API Auth using highly secure authentication methods.
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    WordPress REST API (Version 2)
    de WP REST API Team
    Access your site's data through an easy-to-use HTTP REST API. (Version 2)
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    WP REST Cache
    de Acato
    Enable caching of the WordPress REST API and auto-flush caches upon wp-admin editing.
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    Disable WP REST API
    de Jeff Starr
    Disables the WP REST API for visitors not logged into WordPress.
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    WP REST API - OAuth 1.0a Server
    de WP REST API Team
    Connect applications to your WordPress site without ever giving away your password.
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    WP REST API Controller
    de Evan Herman
    Enable a UI to toggle visibility and customize properties in WP REST API requests.
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    WPGet API - Connect to any external REST API
    de WPGetAPI
    Connect any REST API to WordPress. WPGet API enables easy API integration, allowing you to display API data without any code.
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    Envato Toolkit
    de KestutisIT
    Validate purchase code, check for item update & support expiration, download newest version, lookup for user details, search for Envato item id & more
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    Get Use APIs - JSON Content Importer
    de Bernhard Kux
    WordPress cumple con las API: Obtén datos de API y muéstralos con un Shortcode o un JCI Block. Genera una plantilla con el Bloque JCI. Novedad: Integración de ContactForm7
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    Contact Form to Any API
    de IT Path Solutions
    Contact form 7 to Any API is most powerful plugin to send CF7 data to any third party services. It can be use to send data to CRM or any REST API.
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    Mihdan: Elementor Yandex Maps
    de Mikhail Kobzarev
    Yandex Maps widget for Elementor
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    Taxonomy Metadata
    de mitcho (Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine), sirzooro
    Infrastructure plugin which implements metadata functionality for taxonomy terms, including for tags and categories.
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    Simple JWT Login – Allows you to use JWT on REST endpoints.
    de Nicu Micle
    The main purpose of this plugin is to allow Mobile apps, or other websites to access the content via REST endpoints in a secure way.