Sistema de reservas especializado en actividades: deportes, ocio, cursos, eventos, turismo ¡y mucho más! Funciona muy bien con WooCommerce.
Última actualización
June 26, 2024
Instalaciones activas
Booking Activities

Booking Activities is a complete booking tool designed for activities. It is very easy to use:

  1. Drag and drop your activities onto your schedule.
  2. Copy / Paste a shortcode to display a booking form. Or integrate it with WooCommerce products.
  3. Pick an event on this calendar and book it.

Try this reservation tool live on the demo website, or generate a temporary site to test the backend!

Vídeo realizado con la versión v1.1.1. Booking Activities está evolucionando constantemente.

Main features

★ = Unique feature only Booking Activities has.


  • WYSIWYG: Visually build your plannings
  • Drag and drop events directly on the calendar
  • Group your events to easily sell bundles, subscriptions, seminars, or events spreading on several days
  • Create repeated events (with desired frequency and exceptions dates)
  • Unlimited calendars, activities, events and bookings.
  • Permission management system: your managers manage only their own calendars and reservations. E.g.: You can set up Booking Activities for a marketplace (Booking Activities can only be managed from the backend).

Formularios de reserva

  • Formularios completamente personalizables en un editor WYSIWYG
  • Shortcodes para mostrar formularios de reserva o calendarios simples
  • ★ Display events from multiple schedules and activities at once
  • One-click booking: just pick the desired event(s) on the calendar and click on «Book»!
  • Acción personalizada cuando envías el formulario o cuando haces clic en un evento: hacer una reserva, ★ añadir un producto al carrito, redirigir a una URL
  • Pick multiple events and book them all at once / ★ add them all to cart at once
  • Seamless login / registration: embedded in the form and processed with the reservation. You can also book without account, or display a login form only with a shortcode.
  • 100% responsive: looks great on mobiles, tablets and computers.
  • Establece cualquier campo personalizado y cualquier metadato de reserva gracias a Advaced Forms extensión

Online payments with WooCommerce

  • Calendars are automatically integrated to WooCommerce product pages
  • ★ Attach multiple calendars and activities to one WC product
  • Cart expiration system: bookings in the shopping cart are temporary
  • Auto-validation when payment is completed
  • ★ El estado de los pedidos de WooCommerce y el de tus reservas están vinculados de forma inteligente
  • ★ Automatic refunds by WC coupon or via the gateway (if allowed)

Manage reservations

  • Encuentra todas tus reservas de un vistazo en un calendario y en una lista. Utiliza filtros dinámicos, clasificadores y columnas personalizadas
  • Booking actions: validate, cancel, reschedule, ★ refund…
  • ★ Visualiza el calendario y la lista de reservas de tu cliente con un shortcode
  • ★ Your customers can cancel or reschedule their bookings and ask a refund by themselves
  • Export your bookings as CSV and iCal feeds and sync them on spreadsheet and calendar apps (e.g.: Google Sheet, Google Calendar)

Opciones de disponibilidad

  • Establece el periodo de reserva: los clientes no podrán reservar antes o después
  • Haz tus eventos privados o reservables por múltiples usuarios
  • ★ Establece el mínimo y el máximo permitido de reservas por usuario y evento
  • Ofrece algunas actividades solo a determinados perfiles de usuario


  • Automatic emails are sent to both administrator and customer when a booking is made, when its state changes, and when it is rescheduled
  • Fully customize and configure all your email notifications
  • In multilangual sites, emails are sent to your customers in their own language
  • Envía avisos y recordatorios de actividades específicas por correo electrónico, SMS y ★ Push gracias a la extensión Notification Pack

Translation ready

  • Multilingual support with WPML and ★ qTranslate-XT (free plugin)
  • ★ Auto-detect and switch languages, date/time format, first day of the week…
  • Personaliza directamente en los ajustes la mayoría de los mensajes de la vista pública
  • Fully translated in English and French. You can also help us translating Booking Activities in your language.

The best inside

  • API for developers (PHP actions and filters, JS actions). Documentation coming soon.
  • Usa el maravilloso y práctico FullCalendar
  • Es compatible con WP Multisite
  • Es compatible con las herramientas de privacidad de WP para exportar y borrar los datos personales de tus clientes

See the whole features list here.

Extend these features with add-ons:

  • Resource Availability: Manage your resource availability and assignment
  • Advanced Forms: Añade cualquier campo personalizado (de pago) a tus formularios de reserva
  • Display Pack: Customize your calendars or set alternative display (datepicker)
  • Prices and Credits: Set per event prices, decreasing prices, price categories (adults, children, etc.), pay with credits
  • Notification Pack: Envía avisos y recordatorios de reserva de actividades específicas por correo electrónico, SMS y Push
  • Order for Customers: You can book / place an order in the name of your customers

See the whole add-ons list here

This plugin is great for… You?

To know if Booking Activities is made for you, you just need to understand how it works:

  1. You place events on a calendar
  2. Customers pick them and book them

If this fits your business then give it a try!

This booking system has been specially designed to fulfill the needs of most activity providers:

  • For tourism, sport and leisure (nautical, aerial, land, mountain, foot or wheels, outdoor or indoor…)
  • For courses, trainings, exhibitions (education, music, drawing, seminar…)
  • For cultural activities (museum, theatre / cinema, booking events…)
  • For you too, but you are not in this list? Tell us 🙂

We are listening

You are the developers. You have always been.

Booking Activities has been designed and developed in collaboration with activity providers.

Now it is getting better thanks to you.

Then feel free to tell us if you miss a feature, if you find a bug or anything to make your booking system better!


  • WordPress: 3.6 or later
  • PHP: 5.3 or later
  • MySQL: 5.7.22 or later (or MariaDB 10.5.4 or later)
  • WooCommerce: 3.x or superior
  • Booking Activities can be used without WooCommerce
Instalaciones activas
Probado hasta
Te puedes descargar este plugin para utilizarlo en tu instalación autoalojada de WordPress.