
Import / Export Customizer Settings

El personalizador de temas de Astra ofrece varios ajustes para el diseño de cabecera/pie de página, diseños de barra lateral y blog, colores, fondos, tipografía y mucho más.
Última actualización
March 26, 2024
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Import / Export Customizer Settings

Astra theme customizer offers several settings for header/footer layout, sidebar and blog designs, colors, backgrounds, typography and much more. You need to tweak the number of settings to make your site look flawless. These settings can be moved to other Astra sites easily with Import / Export Customizer Settings plugin. It will save repetitive work to arrange all customizer settings for each new Astra site or while moving the site from local to live.

Es un plugin fácil de usar para el tema Astra que te permite importar y exportar los ajustes del personalizador.


This Import/Export plugin is created only for the Astra theme. You should have the Astra theme installed and activated on your website.

Try it out on a free dummy site

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Te puedes descargar este plugin para utilizarlo en tu instalación autoalojada de WordPress.