ASPL Contact Form is just another contact form plugin which makes it fast and easy to capture visitor information right from your WordPress site.
Última actualización
July 10, 2020

ASPL-Contact-Form is your completely free and completely expandable form builder plugin for WordPress.It’s makes it easy to setup and add forms to your WordPress website using shortcodes. Admin create custom forms for all your needs with as many fields as you like.Make your site more efficient from visitor input to email response times with aspl contact form plugin.

Features:- 1) Easy row and column layouts. 2) Have a form ready to go in literally minutes. 3) Customizable email notifications from any form. 4) 8+ field types with its calsses id and name also include select-option fields. 5) Drag and drop feature to make it easy to change form field positions. 6) it’s easy to add fields lable ,classes ,id and name or other details.

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Te puedes descargar este plugin para utilizarlo en tu instalación autoalojada de WordPress.