Demonstrate the happy client experience on your website and draw new users.
Última actualización
April 12, 2023
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Testimonial for Elementor

Boost trust in your Brand value by showing to visitors your true and natural reviews.

Testimonials for Elementor is a lite WordPress Plugin for showing feedbacks of your users on your website using most popular Elementor page Builder.

Reveal all data about the author of each of the testimonials, including: name, company, position. Prove to the readers, that they see testimonials of existing people.

Easily transform your users feedback into the social proof, showing it right where viewers make their decision to buy or use your services.


Here are the most outstanding features which make this Testimonil a valuable plugin for any Elementor site.

  • Choose one of the Nine ready testimonial templates
  • Easy Testimonial Styling Option
  • Slider and Grid layouts for wide range of use-cases
  • Controll Mobile and Tablet Display
  • Navigation and Paginations Custom Design Option
  • Navigation on/off Option
  • Pagination on/off Option
  • Autoplay on/off Option
  • Social Media Icon Use
  • And many more.

Testimonial for Elementor plugin is one of the simplest in terms of setup and doesn’t require any knowledge in web-developing.

GDPR and Privacy

Testimonial for Elementor plugin is GDPR compliant:

  • We don’t store any visitor or user data
  • We don’t send any data to remote servers
  • Our plugins is only used to showcase testimonials on your website


If you are looking for WordPress customization or WordPress Custom Theme Development services, you can discuss with us with your requirement.

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Te puedes descargar este plugin para utilizarlo en tu instalación autoalojada de WordPress.