Convierte instantáneamente tu instalación de WordPress en una intranet corporativa privada
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June 8, 2022
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All-In-One Intranet

WordPress es un popular sistema de administración de contenido altamente especializado para crear sitios web públicos.

Las empresas a menudo necesitan una configuración privada, también conocida como intranet. Ahí es donde entra en juego All-In-One Intranet.

There are plenty of free plugins available to add privacy and other requirements – but you’ll need to cherry-pick the functionality you need, and make sure they all work well together.

All-In-One Intranet gives you everything you need in one WordPress plugin to lock down your site and start building your company’s intranet.

What is an Intranet?

Las intranets son básicamente web privadas e internas para empresas. Sin embargo, también se pueden encontrar una plataforma de comunicaciones internas, herramientas de colaboración, plataforma de intercambio de conocimientos e incluso una red social. Cada uno de los cuales son elementos posibles de hacer con un sitio de WordPress.


  • Privacy – One simple checkbox to make your entire site private to anyone not logged in. It also displays warnings if any core WordPress settings are currently allowing unauthorized users to register.
  • Login Redirect – Your staff logs in to read information and potentially write new content. The default WordPress of logging users into their profile page is not always helpful in certain situations. Now you can set any page or URL as the first page visited after logging in.
  • Cierre de sesión automático: establece fácilmente un intervalo de tiempo para la inactividad, después del cual los usuarios cerrarán sesión automáticamente, protegiendo la información confidencial de tu empresa. Los intervalos se establecen por minutos, horas o días.

All-In-One Intranet is designed to work on standard WordPress installations. If you have a multisite installation, please see our premium version below.

Support and Premium features

All-In-One Intranet Premium incluye todas las características del plugin gratuito, además de:

  • Soporte Premium de nuestro increíble equipo de magos de WordPress.
  • Multisite Sub-site Membership – set a default role to be applied to all sub-sites when a new user (or site) is created. Saves having to manually add new users to sub-sites, or existing users to new sub-sites.
  • ** Multisite Sub-site Privacy** – decide whether users need to be members of a sub-site in order to view it (presuming you already restricted the whole site to logged-in users only, in ‘Privacy’).
  • Full support and updates

See All-In-One Intranet Premium

Google Apps

Does your organization use Google Workplace or Google Classroom? (formally known as Google Apps and GSuite)

Google Apps Login enables Google Workplace admins to manage WordPress user accounts entirely from Google Apps. This saves time and increases security – giving peace of mind that only authorized employees have access to the company’s websites and intranet.

Google Drive Embedder* allows authors to easily embed documents directly from Google Drive throughout your site.


Please see our website for more information about all our products.

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Te puedes descargar este plugin para utilizarlo en tu instalación autoalojada de WordPress.