
WordPress Restaurant Bookings Plugin: Alex Reservations

Restaurant reservations solution to help you manage your daily bookings.
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June 9, 2024
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WordPress Restaurant Bookings Plugin: Alex Reservations

Alex Reservations es un plugin de WordPress fácil de usar para gestionar reservas en restaurantes. Simplificará todo tu proceso de reservas y ahorrará tiempo tanto al restaurante como al cliente.

Benefits of using a reservations system

Con este plugin, puedes gestionar de manera eficiente tus reservas diarias para tu restaurante o múltiples ubicaciones. El plugin proporciona un panel de control de pantalla completa donde puedes listar tus reservas, gestionarlas en una vista de plano de planta o verlas en vistas mensuales y semanales. También ofrece una vista de línea de tiempo para realizar un seguimiento fácil de las reservas.

You can create and manage multiple schedules with availability defined by time slots for the front-end widget. The widget can be customized with colors and can show only one or several shifts time slots at once. You can also organize reservations for specific events such as mother’s day, wine tasting, deal of the day, live music, ladies’ night, and more.

Personaliza tus correos electrónicos enviados a tus clientes en función del estado de la reserva, ya sea pendiente o confirmada. También puedes enviar recordatorios a tus clientes hasta 48 horas antes de la reserva para reducir la cantidad de personas que no se presentan.

El plugin te permite ofrecer a tus usuarios la opción de seleccionar sus preferencias al hacer una reserva en línea, como elecciones culinarias, alergias y preferencias de asientos.

Además, el plugin proporciona una solución CRM sencilla para etiquetar a tus clientes como desees y exportarlos en formato CSV para enviar campañas de marketing por correo electrónico.

With Alex Reservations, you can also create a SAAS solution for multiple restaurants by using a multisite environment. This feature allows you to set up and manage several restaurants’ reservation systems from a single installation. This means you can offer a white-label solution to your clients and provide them with their own custom domain, logos, and branding.

Features included with the Alex Reservations Free Edition for restaurant reservations:

  • Bookings List View — Manage the daily list of reservations and create/update them from the same list. Filter them by customer, tags or status.
  • Monthly View — General view of monthly reservations. Add or update reservations directly in the view.
  • Weekly View — Jump from the monthly view to the weekly view. Show a list of daily reservations per column/day.
  • Customers List View — Easy CRM solution for customers. Filter them by tags, last reservation or number of reservations.
  • Custom Tags — Create tags for managing bookings and use them for filtering. Tag customers to know their wine preferences, identify VIP customers or know their food alergies.
  • Manage Shifts — Create multiple shifts for breakfast, lunch or dinner.
  • Email Templates — Customer your notifications to customers.
  • Custom Widget — Multi language front widget. Mobile friendly. Customize colors and the input fields required to the customer.

Features included with the Alex Reservations PLUS Edition for restaurant reservations:

  • Multiple Restaurants — With a central dashboard for adding and editing restaurants. Add a custom dashboard for accessing reservations for every restaurant.
  • User Roles — Granular access to each dashboard. Control who can create reservations, manage customer tags and design the floor plan with the tables.
  • Multiple Users — A single user can manage from one to multiple restaurants, and can have different roles/permissions on each one of them.
  • Floor Plan View — Assign customers to tables, create new bookings, view next reservations and manage wait lists. All from a floor plan view.
  • Timeline View — Use this view to have a global perspective of all reservations with assigned tables.
  • Tables Editor — With a powerful drag and drop floor plan builder, you can create several areas for each restaurant.
  • Manage Events — Apart from the usual schedules you can create special events such as Mother’s day, Christmas Day, Live Music day, etc.
  • Multiple Widgets — Manage different widgets for Shifts and Events, for the week or for the weekends. You can also use only one widget for everything.
  • Export Bookings — Export in CSV format or print the list in PDF.
  • Export Customers — Export in CSV format or print the list in PDF.
  • Logo en el correo electrónico — Agrega el logo de tu restaurante con un encabezado y pie de página personalizados para todos los correos electrónicos enviados a tus clientes.
  • Opiniones de los clientes — Solicita una opinión después de que el cliente haya terminado su experiencia.
  • Informes — Informes detallados de reservas, clientes y opiniones.
  • Recordatorios por correo electrónico: Puedes configurar uno o varios recordatorios para tus clientes.
  • Interfaz móvil: Interfaz móvil adaptativa para gestionar reservas diarias y clientes.
  • Días y franjas horarias cerradas: Tienes la opción de cerrar días completos o franjas horarias específicas para las reservas en línea, lo que te brinda un mayor control sobre las reservas de tu restaurante.
  • Area/Table Selection Reservation – Customers now have the freedom to choose their preferred area and table when making a reservation.
  • 360 Panorama Reservation – Users can explore immersive 360-degree panoramas of the restaurant and choose their desired area or table.

Getting Started with the Alex Restaurant Reservations plugin is Easy

Use the built-in Setup Wizard to create your first Restaurant in under 5 minutes. Next, just embed the reservations widget on your site using the widget shortcode [rr_form id='__' button='Book now'].

Who This Reservation System is For

  • Restaurantes individuales — Los propietarios de restaurantes pueden utilizar este sistema para gestionar sus reservas y mesas.
  • Multiple restaurants — Manage from one dashboard several locations.
  • Agencias de WordPress — Crea tu propia plataforma SAAS para gestionar reservas en múltiples restaurantes.
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Probado hasta
Te puedes descargar este plugin para utilizarlo en tu instalación autoalojada de WordPress.