
Affiliate CodeCanyon Widget

Easily display CodeCanyon items inside WordPress widget.
Última actualización
December 13, 2020
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Affiliate CodeCanyon Widget

A simple WordPress plugin that fetches information from the Envato API and displays CodeCanyon items as a WordPress widget.

This is a fork of the Meks ThemeForest Smart Widget We have just modified it to fetch the information from codecanyon instead of themeforest, and replaced the categories to be output. All code is written by the awesome team at MeksHQ that creates the most amazing WordPress themes and if you have any issues with the functionality/compatibility of the plugin, please refer to their support page.

If you are a CodeCanyon author this widget is perfect for you.


  • Using Envato official API
  • Supports all CodeCanyon marketplace categories
  • Select latest CodeCanyon items
  • Select popular CodeCanyon items
  • Select items from one or more specific users
  • Order items by release date, upload date, numbers of sales, price or random
  • Add your affiliate links to CodeCanyon items
  • Caching system integrated for better performance

This is a fork of the Meks ThemeForest Smart Widget created by MeksHQ

Live example?

You can see CodeCanyon Smart Widget live example on our demo website

Available languages

  • English (en_US) – default
Instalaciones activas
Probado hasta
Te puedes descargar este plugin para utilizarlo en tu instalación autoalojada de WordPress.