
AdOpt | El más bello Cookie Banner para GDPR, LGPD, CCPA, PIPEDA y POPIA.

AdOpt’s Cookie Banner plugin is part of a Consent Management Platform that will help you in making all your websites LGPD, CCPA, GDPR (RGPD, DSVGO), P …
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October 13, 2023
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AdOpt | El más bello Cookie Banner para GDPR, LGPD, CCPA, PIPEDA y POPIA.

AdOpt’s Cookie Banner plugin is part of a Consent Management Platform that will help you in making all your websites LGPD, CCPA, GDPR (RGPD, DSVGO), PIPEDA, CINIL of France and many other regulations compliant.

This is the best plugin for WordPress websites compliance!

A CMP – Consent Management Platform , helps companies to comply with privacy regulations using technology that manages these consents for each visitor who accesses their websites.

For the end user, any website visitors, we are a “Cookie Banner”, for companies, a whole ecosystem that organizes the implementation of Consent as a Legal Basis.

AdOpt’s technology recognizes each visitor and interacts with them through the cookie notice. If it is a new visitor, it then asks for permission to use the cookies installed on the website. Once authorized, AdOpt records that consent and releases the cookies upon approval.

Si el visitante vuelve en otro momento se reconoce el consentimiento, no se le pide de nuevo. O también se puede actualizar/revocar si el visitante así lo desea, siempre de forma libre.

Cumplimiento total desde el plan gratuito, incluyendo varias características como:

Fácil de instalar. Gratis

  • Simply paste your AdOpt BannerID Key for an automatic no-code installation.

Beautiful Design Free

  • Basic Setup – Colors: RGB and HEX – Positioning: Headers, Corners, Top, Bottom, you name it. – Adjust the positioning to perfectly blend with all your website design and other widgets. (via script)


  • Advanced Setup – Widget: Your Logo or Custom images. – Text: Adapt the banner text by Language and Regulation. – Adjust the text in all banner elements: Links, Cookie Categories, Descriptions and Buttons…

Comportamiento de los banners Gratis

  • Basic behavior setup:
    • Link your banner to your GTM to automatically block/release all third-party tags, only upon visitors approval.
    • Pre-blocked tags. Go fully private and let all tags pre-blocked (required by GDPR).
    • Reconocimiento automático del idioma, por lo que el aviso ya estará traducido de acuerdo con el idioma por defecto del navegador del visitante.
    • Offer the users a granular control over the cookies/scripts used by the website.


  • Advanced behavior setup:
    • MultipleURLs: Use the same notice for multiple urls, so that visitor’s consent decisions spread to all your pages.
    • Ocultar el banner y el widget después del consentimiento.

All languages and regulations, one banner: Free

  • Language and Design by Regulation Automatic banner response in accordance with the visitors’ country language and regulation. Ex.:

    • GDPR: Reject All Button + GDPR Country’s language
    • CCPA: No vender…
    • No rastrear…

Single-click full website scan. Free

  • Automatic listing of all your third-party tags for a full and detailed communication to all your visitors.
  • Easily categorize the tags and cookies into selected categories for a thorough display.

Consentimiento y almacenamiento encriptados Gratis

  • Record all visitors’ consent in an organized and detailed way: Full, Partial Consent and Opt-outs.
  • Link your Company’s Policies into the banner.

Gestión y control Gratis

  • KPI’s
    • Consent Volume/ Opt-ins & Opt-Outs Volume/ Opt-in details
  • Exportar/importar cookies e información relacionada a través de un archivo CSV.
  • Automatic email notification for the DPO, whenever a visitor makes a privacy request.


  • Manage different URLs and Banners separately
  • Separate banners into different organizations, so that your clients may have a full personalized experience.

Additional Premium Features API’s and Call-backs so you can link your services, CRM with AdOpt CookieID and information. AMP compatible.

El plugin AdOpt Cookie Banner utiliza las siguientes cookies

**AdOptID – (60 days validity)** AdOpt’s Primary cookie Generated when there is user’s first visit. **AdoptConsent – (60 days validity)** Generated when there is a consent recorded, with all user choices and details within it. **VisitorID – (60 days validity)** Generated when there is user’s first visit. **AdoptGD – (Expires in seconds)** Used to verify consent domain and subdomain.

It is responsible for storing that visitor’s information and ensuring that his/her consent is the same if he/she accesses different websites that have the same cookie notice. (This cookie is only set on websites that have the feature of “multiple URL”, for more information, please contact us.

For all features and details, visit us on:, for more details

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Te puedes descargar este plugin para utilizarlo en tu instalación autoalojada de WordPress.