Create Personalized website contents according to each single user.
Última actualización
July 20, 2018
Personalize Content

Create better user experiences by making your website personalize itself according to each user. Never show the same and « generic » content to your users again.

Main Features:

  1. Connect to API and access its functionalities
  2. Create triggers allowing to understand your users and get Insights
  3. Create and display page versions adapted to different types of users
  4. Give users the control of their DATA back; let them see and control what information we have on them.

How the service works: is a tracking and personalization service. In order to work, the services uses an API including a few functionalities.

1a. If Known – We identify the visitor (with Fingerprint technology) 1b. If Unknown, not in private mode and accepts cookies (browser settings & cookie messages) – We create a new profile for this user. 2. We track the users (mouse-tracking, navigation and click) except on no-go zones such as payment and profile pages. 3. With data-mining and an AI we interpret the tracked information into crypted and highly secure user-data. 4. We use these non-nominative user-data to find what contents are best adapted to the user and display it. 5. The user can connect on and choose to change or delete the collected informations

Links & Information:

About the service: Terms & Conditions: Privacy Policy:

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