
Instant authority: a .fr domain says it all

From the beginning, your .fr domain tells visitors they’re in the right spot. From fine cuisine to fantastic travel to the best of French football, a .fr domain undeniably gives your site presence. Let a WordPress URL tie your site together.

Your narrative, in a theme that helps it go

Designs and themes add life to your content. Communicate in more than words can say with a stellar choice of themes provided by WordPress. Bring your words to life! Put the polish on your page when you pair a .fr domain with the WordPress theme that helps it shine.

Powerful websites that grow with you

  • Optimized for success

    Optimized for success

    Built-in SEO tools, social-media integration, and easy sharing options make your website ready to launch (and grow!) in no time.

  • All-in-one hosting

    All-in-one hosting

    A user-friendly platform that takes care of performance and security, so you can stay focused on your goals.

  • The best support

    The best support

    Get expert live chat support from our Happiness Engineers. Whether you’re adding a site to your domain or editing advanced DNS settings, we're here to help.

Come and see what WordPress can do for you

Your content, .fr domain and design create the perfect union for your site. Why wait? We’ll make a landing page to welcome visitors, even if your page is still being built. It’s the way to go: Pick a .fr domain now and get ready to launch your page, with WordPress.

Find your new domain