Discover Prompts, Day 21: Instrument

Welcome to Discover Prompts! Throughout April, we’re sharing a daily prompt to help you keep or regain your writing rhythm. Not sure how to participate? Read on.

Let’s think about a very versatile word: instrument.

Ready to roll? All you need to do is…

  • Write a new post on your site in response to the prompt.
  • Tag your post with Discover Prompts and click Publish.
  • Head to the Reader to engage with other participants’ posts.

Need more ideas? Not sure what to write around Instrument? We’re here to help:

  • Do you play a musical instrument? Or multiple instruments? Tell us what inspired you to get started and what keeps you playing.
  • If you don’t play an instrument, is there one that you would like to learn to play if all barriers to it were removed? (When we say barriers, maybe it’s having enough money to buy or rent an instrument, a place to practice in private without disturbing others, or even enough time in the day to focus on learning.)
  • Take a photo of a beloved musical instrument and post it. Tell us what’s special about it.
  • Which songs would you love to learn to play? Why?
  • If you don’t plan an instrument, have you ever day-dreamed of being in a band? What type of music would your band play? Which instrument do you play? Bass? Drums? Piano? Something else entirely?
  • If music isn’t your jam, which tools are instrumental to your hobby? Perhaps it’s the fountain pen you use to draw or the soil in which you’re growing seedlings or a fine piece of wood that will soon become a detailed carving.

Start your post