Tell Us How Your Site Is Adapting to COVID-19

empty ferry under lockdown

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought entire countries to a halt, but our need to connect with others and find resources and communities online has not gone away — if anything, it’s only become more essential.

Many bloggers and website owners have responded to current events by tweaking or refocusing what they publish. Parents and teachers are sharing resources for keeping kids engaged in learning. Food bloggers post quarantine-friendly recipes. Some business owners are exploring ecommerce options to keep revenue coming at a time where brick-and-mortar stores are struggling. And many use their blogs as an outlet for sharing updates with friends and family they might not see for a while.

What about you? We’d love to hear from our community about the ways you’re responding to this global event. Has your publishing focus changed? Have you found new ways to connect with your audience, or new sources of inspiration? Do you find blogging more challenging?

Leave a comment to let us know — and visit each other’s sites to find inspiration and connect with new people.