The Space That Blogging Provides: Readers Respond

“My brain works better when I write here,” wrote Andi Diehn of her blog. Her post, which we highlighted recently, resonated with readers. We then asked what kind of space your WordPress site provides for you — and received a variety of responses. Here are highlights from the discussion.

Why do I blog? It keeps me engaged and widening my horizons. It connects me with new people all the time. It introduces me to new books as well. I share the books with my followers and then it all moves out in ripples like on a pond. This is how I make my mark on the world.

Blue Cat Review

I also view my blog as my mark on the world. It’s my life and legacy recorded. Even my children will read it later and know me far better than they would have without it.

I Wanna Be a Lady

My WordPress blog lets me process and ruminate. It also lets me transform the everyday into creativity.


I keep a poetry blog. Ideas bubble into words, words sprout into ideas and like a pebble in my shoe I can walk on and ignore them for a while but sooner or later they need to come out so I can walk on. This blog is the safest place I could find to gather the pebbles so as not to fling them around and needlessly hurt someone.

— may hem

Where I live nobody cares about music. It’s just a commodity to them. For me, music is quite literally my lifeblood. I’m never more alive than when I’m jamming to good rock music or nailing an epic riff on my guitar. That’s why my blog, We Sold Our Souls For Rock n’ Roll, exists. To talk about music that I love. Without WordPress I wouldn’t have this space to talk freely about music.

— We Sold Our Souls For Rock n’ Roll

When I first started dental school last year I found that I didn’t have time to write in my blog and then I started questioning why I would use my limited free time to write anyways. I very quickly found that writing is my therapy. Without it I feel that I ruminate and stress over things when I could have just written all my thoughts down and be at least somewhat done with it. Literally taking the stress out of my head and putting it into words has helped me immensely.

Method to My Melody

It’s so important to allow ourselves to just be with our thoughts — especially in a world as chaotic and crazy as ours.

A Crowded Shelf

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