Well, Hello There: Set a Welcome Message on Your Site

We’re always adding new themes to WordPress.com, and with some of these designs, you can display custom homepage messages or “calls to action.” They’re great ways to introduce yourself to new readers on your blog or portfolio, or encourage potential clients or customers to take action on your website. Here are examples of welcome messages that can inspire your own.

Steve’s message is set as the tagline, but you can display homepage messaging with Lodestar via text on your static front page.

Notable photographer Steve McCurry uses Lodestar, a free theme that beautifully displays his thematic photo essays. His front-page message is a succinct yet sweeping one-sentence summary of his work and covers an incredibly wide range of subject matter. The URL to his main website is also displayed for reference.

Steve’s body of work spans conflicts, vanishing cultures, ancient traditions, and contemporary culture alike — yet always retains the human element.

In Fortune, this introductory text is set in your static front page, which you can access in Static Front Page → Front Page in the Customizer.

The Northern Ireland Foundation, based in Belfast, promotes a shared society and encourages local community activism. Using the premium Fortune theme, the nonprofit displays a can’t-miss welcome message, just underneath their logo and menu. This introduction quickly provides context about the organization to new visitors.


The Northern Ireland Foundation promotes a shared future in Northern Ireland, local community activism, and the exchange of international best practices.

Our vision is a shared society, in a culture of respect among all individuals and identities.

Using Qua? Set the welcome message in your Customizer by going to Theme Options → Homepage Template.

Film and art enthusiast Heidl designs album covers for soundtracks and film scores and writes about the process at HQCovers. It all started when he got an iPod over a decade ago and realized that not all of his music had album art, so he began to design the missing covers himself!

He uses the minimalist Qua theme and sets a simple message at the top. The extra styling — italicized and bold text — adds a bit of visual texture.

Hello and Welcome to HQCovers, a personal blog dedicated to the beauty and awesomeness of original and customized soundtrack artworks.

With Melody, you can position your welcome message to the left, right, or in the center (like Laura and Tim). Set it in the Customizer under Theme Options → Intro Text.

World explorers Laura and Tim document their adventures at Takatoukiter using the clean and elegant Melody theme. They display their latest posts in a front-page grid and include a message at the top.

In English, Laura and Tim’s introductory message translates to: “If you think adventure is dangerous, try sticking to a routine — it’s lethal.” The message reads like an inspirational quote or statement that encapsulates their travel philosophy.

Si vous pensez que l’aventure est dangereuse, essayez la routine elle est mortelle.

Do you have a welcome message? Have you seen great examples on other sites?