First Friday

The pool’s closed for maintenance this week — see you next Friday!

For other help:
If you’re not new and are looking for support or feedback, the Community Pool is the place for you!

For technical questions, visit the Support Forums.

To learn more about blogging, take a Blogging U. course.

To find, copy, and paste your link:
Head to your blog’s home page — not your dashboard, your blog itself. Click on the title of your post to open the individual post.

Highlight and copy the URL you see in your browser’s address bar, and paste the entire URL into a comment here.

Welcome to First Friday, a weekly open thread where any new blogger can share a link to his or her very first post with the larger community. To share your first post with us, copy and paste the link right into a comment here. If you’re not new, you can still be a part of First Fridays: visit a link or two, and leave the blogger a like or comment.

Please don’t use this as a space to share your first post…. that you published three years ago; ditto for simply sharing your latest post. Posts should have been published within the last month, and should be your first post. We’ll remove other posts to keep this space focused for new bloggers.

We ask that you help us keep this space focused by following a few additional guidelines:

  • We encourage anyone who shares a link to visit a few other bloggers. New readers for all!
  • When commenting, the third time is not the charm: don’t share the same link repeatedly, or in multiple First Friday threads. We’ll remove repeat posts.
  • Link directly to your new post, rather than to your blog generally — it makes it that much easier for folks to like the post or leave you comments.
  • Avoid repeated “Follow for a follow!” comments. (Tip: if you’re trying to build a readership, it’s much more effective to visit and comment on individual bloggers.)
  • To keep from losing your place while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on links to open them in a new tab or window.
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  1. Hello everyone, a warm morning to you all ad welcome to May’s first- First Friday. So how everyone is doing, hope well.
    Without further knick knacks, post your links and I will check it out, while giving comments and feedbacks in response. So what are you waiting for?
    Cheers to all newbies, let’s be blogger friends 😉 ❤ ❤

    Liked by 43 people

    1. Hello I posted my first blog back in January and I have 5 posts so far so I’m not sure if I qualify for this First Friday feedback. My goal going forward is to to post weekly. This is the first time I’ve looked into what support if available, so thank you for consider me as a newbie!

      Liked by 8 people

    1. I like you post on happiness. Don’t forget to include an about page. I wanted to know more about you after reading your post, and you might consider changing the background picture on your theme. It still shows the default. Good writing 👍🏻 good luck.

      Liked by 10 people

  2. Hey everyone! Welcome to this week’s First Friday! Without further ado, please post the links for your blogs down below and I’ll read them and give you honest opinions. If you get any criticism, it will be constructive, don’t worry. I would love to read what you write. Meanwhile, check out my latest post too!

    Stand By Me

    Liked by 28 people

  3. Hello fellow bloggers.
    I hope you all are enjoying the blogging. It is more fun when done keeping other bloggers in mind. The best of being a blogger is to know other people, what their views are and how their life has changed by certain experiences.
    So those who are new in this sphere, drop your link so that we get to know more and more about new bloggers. Looking forward to know about new bloggers.
    Hugs and kisses

    Liked by 23 people

      1. Yes for Sure! I always thought about writing, but I never gave a try!
        The post about Syria is my first ever write up!
        Thanks for your comment. Its encouraging!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Great post! Lovely photos.
      One thing I noticed your line spacing changed below the photos. If this was deliberate, please ignore, otherwise you might like to amend so that the whole post looks the same on screen.
      Hope this helps 🙂

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Yes thank you! For some reason the line spacing changed from when I was editing on the computer and trying to publish from my phone. I was worried that would happen. I’m going to go back and look at it today.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Hello all new bloggers I hope you all are having an amazing day.
    If would like to share few things you need to keep in mind –
    1) be positive .
    2) be open to positive criticism.
    3) never leave hope.


    LOVE P.G

    Liked by 23 people

    1. As it’s a beauty blog, maybe have featured images to engage the reader. Visual images and captivating headers are catchy.

      Great posts notwithstanding.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Hello, I’m new to blogging. I’ve been thinking about sharing some random thoughts and writings onto the web (something like an online journal) for a while, just to keep my scribblings in one place. I’m thinking of writing my blog in two languages (Indonesian and English) with translations in the future… But for now, here’s something I’ve written in English… Thank you for your kind attention 😀

    Liked by 26 people

      1. Thank you!
        In Indonesian “biru bubuk” means “powder blue” (biru = blue, bubuk = powder). It’s a color that I like. 😀
        While Coerulus is actually Latin that also means blue. I google translated this one. Thus Jurnal Coerulus is simply “Blue Journal”.

        Liked by 2 people

    1. Hello, sounds like you have wonderful plans for your blogging. I would encourage you to include posts in both languages! I find bilingual communication to add a dimension of vitality to writing.


      1. I see what you mean… I’ll have to look into it on a computer (commuting to work atm). Its weird, because I did get some likes on posts… Thanks for letting me know 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

  6. Hi

    Im Juliet and I just started with WordPress. I found out about First Friday only on this Monday and I’ve been on the lookout since then lol.

    I’d appreciate reviews and feedback on my blog. I’m also planning to get a domain name once I have put up posts in every category.

    Thus, I don’t have a lot just yet because it’s exam season but I’d appreciate feedback based on what’s going on. Thank you 😊

    Liked by 27 people

      1. Thank you! I’ll take this away with me “Don’t wait until tomorrow to change the world. Start Today!!”

        Nice posts.

        Liked by 1 person