Five Posts to Write Right Now

Not sure what to write for your next post? Try these suggestions to crush that intimidating blank screen.

No matter how long you’ve been writing, some days, it feels like inspiration just won’t come. If you’re stuck on what to write next, or just want to try something new, take a crack at one of these post ideas.

1. What does Utopia look like to you?

Every single day around the world, there are protests, elections, and burgeoning grassroots campaigns all resulting in a step forward, or a step backward, depending on who you ask. Many people devote their lives towards creating a better life for their children and grandchildren, letting their vision of the future guide their present.

Yet everyone’s vision of the world they’d like their children, metaphorical or not, to inherit is very different. What type of world do you strive to create in your day-to-day life? What actions can we take to improve the lives of others? What’s a cause that’s important to you? Tell us about your vision for a perfect world and if you think we’re on our way there.

2. In honor of Mothers’ Day, write an ode to mom.

Growing up, I was, and have always been, incredibly close with my mom. We often feel like a dynamic duo and there’s a strong chance we identify a bit too closely with the Gilmore Girls. My mother is someone I can turn to whenever I need anything, whether I’m going through a difficult time or just want to share a laugh.

In many countries, Mother’s Day has just passed or is about to pass. We dedicate one single day, every year, to honor the person that we call “mom.” Every mom is unique, and every mom is equally special. Tell us a story about your mother, the quintessential tale that describes her in a nutshell. What makes her special to you? How does she inspire you? Since moms come in all different packages, what other motherly figures have made an impact on your life?

3. Plant some seeds for future posts by writing your own, short prompts.

In the United States, spring is in the air. After a long and grueling winter, it’s time to bask in the warmth, break out the sandals, and chuck those big, bulky winter jackets into the back of the closet.

Historically, spring has always been a time for regrowth. As the flowers begin to blossom, it feels like everything is starting anew. In honor of this theme, plant some blogging seeds by writing a post comprised of multiple short prompts, only a few sentences in length. Let these mini-posts take root in the minds of your readers. Then, in your own time, revisit these seeds, crafting an entire post around one of your short prompts at a time, letting your ideas blossom into something new and whole.

4. List it out!

Meta-list-making! Here’s one of my to-do lists from earlier this week.


  • Walk dog in AM
  • Free write for 20 min.
  • Check email and reply to Jane
  • 5pm: gym
  • Stop at grocery store: pick up zucchini for recipe
  • Take a picture
  • Write Daily Post draft

In the spirit of full disclosure, I’ve perfected my list-making to a T. My obsession with writing lists is nearly unhealthy, but the joy I get from crossing off a to-do item is unparalleled. Every single day, even on the weekends, I have at least a general list of the things I want and need to accomplish.

The list post is a great way to organize information for your readers. When you’re sharing your favorite movie, having a “Top Ten” list makes it sound more exciting, more exclusive. For your next post, try switching things up and using the list format, sharing your favorite movies, best songs for a workout, the most delicious seasonal recipes, and so on.

If you’d like to go meta on the list post type, try to incorporate one of your daily to-do lists for readers to get a glimpse into your life. What did you have to do today? What didn’t you get done and why? Often, in those tiny, daily moments, we can find some of the most relatable stories.

5. Variations on a theme: craft a story about indecision.

Not all choices are created equal. Sometimes, we’re faced with a decision that feels nearly impossible to make. Often, the indecision comes from fear, particularly fear of making the wrong choice, fear that regret will soon follow the decision-making. Indecision can paralyze, leading to an even worse outcome than regret: taking no action at all.

Playing on the theme of indecision, share a moment in time when you felt stuck, unable to choose. How did you overcome that uncertainty? Did you end up making the right choice? If you’re feeling creative, whip up a short story about a character’s indecision and the long-term effects of their choice, or non-choice.

Regardless of which post you pick, we hope you don’t spent too much time vacillating between all of your options. With these five prompts, there’s no need for indecisiveness — get to writing!

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  1. ‘TO DO’ LISTS are a must do in my daily life. I have been doing this for 30 yrs! – sometimes I even wake up in the night and ‘add’ something to my list that I think of. I never leave anything to memory. My do list has served me well. Now in ‘retirement’ I need my to do list even more… Love it.


  2. Oh my! I’m an obssesive list maker too! I get a kick out of checking off completed tasks!


  3. thank you so much for these ideas! I wrote on Utopia, a piece that I realized had been long over due!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. speak your heart out everyday.. like you to everybody everyday…talk in posts 🙂 enjoy life enjoy writing 🙂 thank you


  5. When u don’t know what to write just write what u feel or what happened with you..then you will definitely know what to write!!


  6. I experienced the blues on the weekend and reflected on what I wanted from life instead right then and wrote a poem which was essentially a list.


  7. Great ideas. As a neophyte writer, I find that I go in spurts. So, when I get an idea, I’ll start it and put it in the ‘pending’ basket. Whoops, another ‘beginning’ just blossomed in my head. Better go write it down before it fades…let’s see, fishing for eels…
