“You were your voice all along.”

Struggling to find your voice as a blogger? Heed these reassuring words of writing wisdom from Chuck Wendig.

The Daily Post is taking a much-needed break for a few days, but we don’t want to leave you high and dry. We’ll be sharing some of our favorite quotes about the creative life to keep you inspired.

(And yes, Daily Prompts, the Writing/Photo Challenges, and Blogging 101 will continue through the week — we’re not very good at taking breaks.)

Here’s Chuck Wendig:

For more scary yet reassuring advice, take a look at his full post: “Ten Things I’d Like to Say to Young Writers.”

You will chase your voice like a dog chasing a car, but you’ll never catch it. Because you were your voice all along. You were never the dog. You were always the car. You were never Jack. You were always Tyler Durden. And yes, Fight Club is just one big metaphor for becoming a writer. (Okay, maybe not.) (But maybe?) (Nah.) (Buuuut…)

You find your voice by doing. And by rewriting. You won’t want to rewrite now. You won’t want to edit. Edits feel like you’re not good, like you’re being insulted, like having to fix it means it was broken to begin with. But recognizing broken things is a value. A skill. You get as many shots at the goal as you want. Let that be freeing, not punishing.

In writing a lot and rewriting a lot, your voice will find you.

One day you’ll say: “Oh, so that’s what I sound like.”

And it’ll be amazing.

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