Equal Opportunity Prompting

We love checking out all your interpretations of the theme in each week’s photo challenge, and know some of you prefer spending your time behind the lens rather than in front of the keyboard. Next week, we’re trying something new to (hopefully!) get everyone blogging, no matter your medium: photography themes to complement some of our daily writing prompts.

Whether you use them as the basis for a gorgeous photo gallery or to help you take the perfect shot to illustrate your post, we hope they’ll be useful for the shutterbugs among you looking for some inspiration. So if you’re all about the image, don’t gloss over the daily prompts — they just might offer the creative boost you need. (Fine artists and poets, we hope they’ll be helpful for you, too!)

As always, we welcome your prompt ideas, writing or photo. Go on, submit something!

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  1. I have to admit to checking out the daily prompts to see if I can rise to the challenge with a photographic response. I look forward to next week 🙂


  2. sometimes i wish that the daily post challenge went beyond the midnight hour; my connection is so slow that it’s hard to do any online work until after ten at night when people start logging off of the town’s internet provider. as each user logs off, my service – five K from town, gets faster! at one in the morning, i can upload ten photos in less than a minute where in the daytime it might take an hour to upload one!

    it would be fun to illustrate the daily post in pencil or paints and then upload… but often it’s too late for me here in the outback of a third-world country!!

    i enjoy your daily challenges and participate when i can!

    the weekly challenge is becoming frustrating with so many people ‘spamming’ pingbacks. i feel manipulated by those people if i follow the pingback back to find mine is one of the entire queue…. but i don’t want to ignore anyone who gave an honest pingback – one who actually looked at my post and thought enough to mention it.



    1. There’s no need to respond to a prompt the day it’s published — take on the ones that move you, and publish whenever you’d like. If it helps in your planning, prompts are always published at 8AM Eastern Standard Time.


      1. hey, thanks! once i worked on a daily prompt (or so i thought!) while in transit. i checked into my hotel that night, finished it, and then found the mesage, “comments are now closed.” or something like that !

        that must have been a rare one – my misfortune to have picked one that was later closed!

        thanks so much for your fast reply! (now the connection is so slow that when i hit ‘send’ it will spin for several minutes before deciding to head your way or bounce back!
        logging off for the day!


      2. Comments are always closed on the prompts, to encourage people to post to their blogs rather than leaving a comment, but pingbacks are always active!


      3. Glad to read this…by the time a prompt comes up over here, it’s like 2 p.m. and my day is getting near ebb tide, being a morning person, which is why I’ve favored the weekly challenge!


  3. It is good to know that there’s no need to respond to a prompt the day it’s published. I will certainly look at the prompts more closely now. Thanks.


  4. I do this a lot already, participating in the photo challenge on Fri., then posting a clever quote on the same topic on Sat., and a Scripture on the topic for Sun. I’m not always that available on weekends, but when I can, I truly try to do this. My readers enjoy it so maybe everyone here will take off flying with this idea! 🙂


  5. Thanks for letting us know we don’t have to respond on THAT day for daily prompts… I’ve been reading the prompts but know I don’t have time to publish something on the exact day. Maybe I will start responding to prompts now!


  6. Great idea! I also didn’t know that there wasn’t a 24 hour limit on daily prompts, so I’m glad I read the comments!
