Where do you go to be brave?

Topic #334:

Where do you go to be brave? Is it your home? The gym? Your journal? Where is the place you are bravest? When are the times you are the most brave?

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  1. I don’t necessarily feel I need to be in a certain place to be brave. I feel that I am most brave when I stand up for what I believe, whether most people agree with it or not.


  2. I love this topic. People with illness are often told “how brave you are” but very rarely feel brave. This really is something I would love to elaborate on! Thanks for the spark!


    1. What a great comment! I wonder if it gets really old for them to keep hearing how brave they are? Maybe there is something better to say to them?


  3. Home. Because you’re all alone with only your thoughts and surroundings–things that have probably been accumluated from life choices and experiences. If you want to feel brave, you have to feel confident with yourself, and this all starts when you’re alone.


  4. a thought provoking topic.
    i’m sure we all have a place we go to – in the real world or in the imaginary mind.
    what I’m not sure is whether we really know what the place is.
    now i’m wrecking my brain to pinpoint the place I go to feel brave…. 🙂


  5. Most of the time being brave is the result of your decision or reaction to the situation you find yourself in – not a place you go. If the decision is to carry on despite the risk, you could consider yourself brave. If you simply react based on your instinct, values, upbringing, gut, etc., then perhaps you might not consider yourself brave, but others might.


  6. I’m the bravest when I’m in the right. Therefore I look for the position that should place me in the right. The truth is usually the best place to look. Usually !


    1. I love that. I am the opposite….I find it hard to be wrong…but I know I shouldn’t…so I find I am braver when I am admitting I’m in the wrong.


    1. Wowser! You have to be brave to take a spinning class. Last time I tried that, I almost passed out.


  7. I’m not sure I go to a place but I have to find inner strength and usually find it. No alcohol, drugs or religious platitudes necessary


  8. I’m the bravest with my laptop & keyboard. I’ve never blogged, until now, but my writing has always been one of my best discourses for courage. That and talking. I could say anything with a paper & pencil when I was a kid, even when it cost me a lot of embarrassment. The other place I’m fearless is on the telephone. I don’t mean I have no manners, not at all, but I can be open and honest when I’m on the phone or the qwerty keyboard.


  9. I do not really feel that i need to pretend to be brave , why ??
    because I feel always that I am brave enough to do what I want
    anytime ,anywhere , what do you think ????


    1. I wish I could be that sure of myself. 🙂 I think it’s a good attitude to believe in yourself that much. But I wouldn’t want to be brave in situations where it was a bad idea. Sometimes, I think it’s good to know your limitations, do you know what I mean?


      1. Look my dear it is very nice to be sure of yourself , you can often chose
        the best idea ,since you know your limitations , which means that you are
        brave enough to decide is it ???
