Should everything be done in moderation?

Topic #267:

They say “do everything in moderation” when it comes to decisions about how to spend your time and your life – do you agree? Or are there some things that should be done at the extremes, or perhaps that are truly are all or nothing propositions?

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    1. I have that line noted too…but I am terrible about noting credits! Any idea who said it originally? It has become a favorite idea for reflection, for me, and the more I grow to love it, the more I wish I had a source…


  1. Bueno la moderación comienza con un momento de análisis, pero que seria de nuestra vida si no la pasáramos analizando cada momento, circunstancia o acción; creo que debemos de tomar en cuenta las consecuencias pero sin dejar que el temor a equivocarnos nos conduzca a hacer o dejar hacer lo que amamos.


  2. It all depends on what one is talking about or considering doing. Some things are always best done in moderation i.e., drinking. some things are best when taken to the extreme i.e., extreme sports. I think I will do my daily post on this topic when I return from running my errands.


  3. Some things are all or nothing propositions. It is impossible to be halfway married or divorced, to partially own a house, or wade carefully into bringing children into the world…And because we (or most of us anyway) cannot see into the future, we don’t always know what we are getting into. At some point, we must take a Leap of Faith–or jump in with both feet. When it comes to the ‘big life decisions,’ moderation often doesn’t apply. The unknown is what makes life exciting!!


  4. I can see the point behind moderation and I do practice it with some areas of my life. Like eating the right foods; not overindulging. But this can be so boring. I feel one needs to live a little, go wild, and enjoy life. So, you have a hangover in the morning. But did you have a good time?


  5. May be “do things in moderation” would be the right thing to do, but we know it`s impossible. So many times things run out of control and we can´t act that way. I´d like to “Do in moderation” more often, but it depends on your personality and your mood. It´s hard thing to do” like in moderation” or don´t like . It`s .the better way to defend your point of view, but…it`s so difficult!! May be that´s why we are “human being” – we are not perfect, yet.


  6. How about Religion ??? Should it be done in moderation ??? Really sometimes I listen to people and I think, “Why can’t they just keep that to themselfs”. So am I wrong to think that way ??? Should we be professing to the high heavens our religion. Or should we just keep religion in check, in moderation?


  7. Everything has to be done in moderation involving right or wrong deeds. If right deeds are done with moderation, it gives room for people to imitate. If wrong deeds are done with moderation, it provide no scenes for mimickry hence less people get to know about it. Therefore, moderation fuel good deeds as it quench bad habit.


  8. They say “do everything in moderation” when it comes to decisions about how to spend your time and your life – do you agree? Not really. Some things like outdoor activities and sports require commitment. I might point to the 75% challenge. Write a novel of 50,000 words in 30 days. This is what is left of the time limit on that project. I’d like to try and have started. If I get to 25,000 in the near future. I will submit my story expecting to hit the deadline. I have my doubts. Theory is always easier than reality. Are there some things that should be done at the extremes, or perhaps that are truly are all or nothing propositions? Yes. Work and any other activity where safety or the team’s furure are at stake.


  9. I would say that participating in the Nathan’s hot dog eating contest would not be a time for moderation.
    That being said, I believe that overall, life is too short for moderation, so shotgun another beer. 🙂


  10. My two cents worth is that everything should be done in moderation. I don’t know how long I will be here so, I prefer to do things for the long haul. Moderate and steady as I go.


  11. If we go back to what is perhaps the first written form of the sentiment, from the temple of Apollo in Delphi we might gain a better perspective on what is meant by the English translation. The two words together seem to mean more of ‘nothing too much,’ with the connotation of ‘too much’ being pejorative much of the time. Logically, I don’t think that ‘everything in moderation’ is equivalent, but it has been a long time since I took formal logic.


  12. There are things that we can discover and learn in extremities. Including moderation if it doesn’t turn out good.


  13. This is basically my mantra in my life – with the paradoxical concepts for an ideal life, both having ‘balance’ and ‘variety’ – having aspects/things ‘in moderation’ almost guarantees this to be possible for me.


  14. I would agree that most things are better if done moderately, but when a situation requires extreme measures, that’s the time we have to consider if doing it moderately will be good for us. Funny thing is, I live life to it’s fullest. Moderation isn’t my thing. If what is meant by moderation here is a “reasonable limit”, then I go for it. But if it really means “to Limit”, that sounds suppressing for me. There’s no GROWTH in that. I would rather be a tree in the forest that grows to its fullest than being moderated/suppressed like a bonsai tree that looks good but is in the pot, you see, the life of the bonsai tree is in the hands of those who moderate it. Just my point of view. 🙂


  15. To do everything in moderation is itself an extreme position to take. What kind of maniac could control himself from doing nothing immoderately all the time and forever? A tyrant against passion, that’s who. And to do all things in any particular way suggests license to enact horrors upon others as part of doing “everything”. Some things should never be done~even in moderation. Therefore only some things should be done in moderation, other things should be done fully~such as orgasm, pregnancy and death; and still other things aught never be done, such as murder or passing wind in a crowded elevator. Or do you libertines think that’s ok “in moderation”?
