Visit another blog, leave a comment, and post it

Topic #244:

Help spread some good will among the postaday and postaweek crowd.

Go visit any blog using our tags (postaday / postaweek) , leave a comment, and then post about it on your own blog. Make sure to link to the blog you left your comment on, so visitors to your blog can follow the conversation if they wish.

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  1. It’s important to post often and consistently. It’s very important to comment as well. Not only should we spread good will among the postaday and postaweek crowd in the manner suggested, but we should honor the day set aside for blogger’s all together………it was (and is) August 31, Blog Day. Bloggers should have a special day “on the calendar”. If you search Blog Day, you can find out why August 31 was the chosen day.


  2. Another idea is to search for bloggers taking part in the weekly photo challenge. I select 3-5 blogs, leave a comment and also link back to them in my post. I’ve found some amazing blogs and some great buddies by reaching out in this manner 🙂


  3. I agree with the idea of visiting the weekly photo challenge blogs – got to discover some amazing artists out there! and some very good people, as well – now I feel like “I’ve known them” for a while, and it’s just great to see Friday coming up! Great suggestion! 😮


  4. I leave at least one comment on someone’s blog every day – and usually a whole lot more than one. As one of my fellow bloggers said, “Every writer needs a reader – thank you for being mine.”

    (His blog is great, BTW:

    Another rule I follow: I reply to every comment I receive. That is a powerful way to build positive connections with fellow bloggers.

    Stef, at


  5. I often browse other blog posts by topics (tags) . . . it’s a fun way to read things that interest you. So, some of my favorite tags are movies, humor, etc.


  6. This was a great suggestion. I tried it and found
    I love this darling blog and subscribed immediately. The author is newly wed and just the cutest hoot I’ve ever “met”. Try it out. I laughed lots.
    Also, I posted a post just for her and so far, nine people have clicked the link to her site. Yea!


  7. I totally did this today without even thinking about it being the suggested postaweek topic. Except that I did it with a blog which wasn’t on wordpress.. I think I’m the only one of my blogging friends that uses wordpress.


  8. Moved mostly by a curiosity about who else has been blogging about the commemoration of September 11, but also partly by this topic suggestion, I visited another blog, one unknown to me, and commented on it. The blog post I visited is“>Ebony Adedayo’s “In memory of 9/11,” and the blogger has graciously let my comment stand. Among other things, the observance of September 11 presents an opportunity to call and respond to “the other,” and to reflect on what that might mean. As I posted about this exchange on Twitter:

    Dialogue with a stranger to commemorate 9/11: trying to make the moment work for peace, love & understanding. #sept11


  9. Loved A Recipe A Day. The link to this lovely foodie blog is in my blog 🙂 Am not entirely sure my post has been approved, at the time I was writing my entry it was still awaiting moderation. But have a look-see! It’s a great blog with a great mix of sweet and savoury recipes!
